The Max Level Hero Has Returned! - Vol. 1 Ch. 29

Dex-chan lover
Mar 26, 2020
Thanks for the translation, as always your translations are easier to understand and sound better.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2019
I always feel like Secret Scans is somewhat hard to read? Don't get me wrong, I like them, but SecretScans feels like the dialogue doesn't flow as dialogue should.

like "They had failed in the assassination of ..."
could easily be reworded to "They failed to assassinate ..." without losing much, if any, information.

Most of them are harder to explain to explain and you kind of just feel as an English speaker.

pg 7 "I'm willing to bet there are false information as well as tons of omissions", should be "there is false information". "information" is treated as a singular noun, a single collective of unspecified quantity.
"and anything missing are probably hidden away in other intelligence guilds", same issue, should be "anything missing is probably". "anything" is treated as a singular noun
The line is also too wordy, could be "I reckon there's false info and tons of stuff left out, and anything missing's probably (hidden) in other (intelligence) guilds.

the usage of English-specific colloquialisms, like "en masse", or "tie up loose ends" feels out of place or poorly implemented and stick out like sore thumbs.

pg 8 "who was it that stopped by my study just now?" no English speaker is going to say it like this if they're agitated and speaking on the spot. "who was just in my study?" is sufficient

pg 9 "I think there is a meaning to hearing such answers directly", unnatural speech. could be "I think it's meaningful hearing such answers directly" or "It means more when you say it (directly) out loud.
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
@MyriadDestiny It's honestly more amazing how I never really thought about any of the points you pointed out until I read your comment. Rather than as a testament of the group's TLing skill/habits, it says more about your personal taste TBH, because your points are way too specific for the average reader to care about.

Edit: I also forgot to mention that we should also take into consideration that this a Korean webtoon and thus Banmal(informal) and Jondaemal(formal) way of speaking comes into question. While I haven't seen the raws, there's a big chance that the stiffer parts of the translated speech is due to the latter
Active member
Aug 17, 2020
@MyriadDestiny That's exactly my point. These "mistakes" you point out are so technical that only a "grammar nazi" or at least someone with a very particular taste for correct grammar such as yourself would honestly really care to notice them. Most people wouldn't even notice such technical mistakes until someone would deliberately point it out.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 10, 2020
So, he won't become king of an established country, he's going instead to go to the middle of nowhere and build up a new territory? And he thinks that's somehow going to be less work for him? Ruling by expediency (essentially, being a tyrant not bound by laws) also means you have to take care of every little thing. And as you're building a new city, you'll have to deal with all sorts of new problems. Not to mention, the moment you rule over others, you invite jealousy and people who will try to take your place. It's the exact same situation as being a king.

At least as the king of the current kingdom, his powers would let him eliminate corruption and have a healthy court to handle affairs for him. And if he really wants expediency for certain matters, he can always do what he is doing right now and assassinate anyone that has covered his tracks too well to bring down cleanly.
May 4, 2020
@MyriadDestiny wow, didn't expect to meet someone like me in these comment sections
by the way, I'm not a native speaker, so my english is really not perfect either ;-)
and while I am for diligent writing and proofreading, I think secretscans translations are quite good, some small mistakes can happen and this is the hobby of some generous people, not an official newspaper and even there I find such mistakes quite regularly
translating is not easy, each language has its own rules, habits and sayings (like raining cats and dogs) which you normally can't translate literally, plus you have regional differences and in case of the english language we have how many countries with their differences? (I know that I myself am mixing britain and american english since my english is partly self-taught) and finally things like
pg 8 "who was it that stopped by my study just now?" no English speaker is going to say it like this if they're agitated and speaking on the spot. "who was just in my study?" is sufficient
are very dependent of writing/speaking habits (for this specific case, the talker was an elderly high noble, so highly formal speaking even in such a situation would not sound odd to me)
maybe this is me nagging you for nagging the scanlators, but while I can have my fun with searching for such details, I am for enjoying these translations as long as you have not the feeling a 10y would have better grammar and/or are not constantly trying to figure out the meaning

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