I don't make enough money to buy all the manga I want to read. If there was a reliable service (like, Mangadex-level reliable) that didn't have its head shoved up its ass on the topics of new submissions, pay methods, and legal bullshit, I'd use that in a heartbeat and never come here again (sorry not sorry, I love you guys, etc etc etc). But every manga service I know of does indeed have its head up its ass on one or more of those topics, and none of them have more than 2/3 the manga I want to read.
I feel for manga authors: I really do. But until the publishers (and to be fair, some select manga authors) stop being elitist dickbags, they aren't offering a service worth the money they're demanding.
As it currently stands, scanlators do a great deal of work for far less than publishers charge for the same work. Legally, they have a right to the time and effort they put in, especially when the publisher doesn't translate into the language the scanlator is using. If publishers, authors, and their supporters don't like the idea of independent scanlators doing a job they can't or won't do, then the proper thing for them to do is put their ego back in their collective ass where it belongs and figure out ways to offer better services.
I feel for manga authors: I really do. But until the publishers (and to be fair, some select manga authors) stop being elitist dickbags, they aren't offering a service worth the money they're demanding.
As it currently stands, scanlators do a great deal of work for far less than publishers charge for the same work. Legally, they have a right to the time and effort they put in, especially when the publisher doesn't translate into the language the scanlator is using. If publishers, authors, and their supporters don't like the idea of independent scanlators doing a job they can't or won't do, then the proper thing for them to do is put their ego back in their collective ass where it belongs and figure out ways to offer better services.