The Most Heretical Last Boss Queen: From Villainess to Savior - Vol. 1 Ch. 5

Dex-chan lover
Jun 10, 2019
@EffigyX No hate towards the Queen, just looking at the situation objectively. The Queen experiencing Vicarious Trauma from seeing the future is no excuse for neglecting her child. Instead of witnessing and taking action, she ran away from the issue. She tried a little and her short term efforts didn't change anything, so she gave up? A river doesn't carve a path through solid stone in a day. It takes persistence and resilience to change and the Queen gave up on her own child way too easily even though she supposedly loves Pryde unconditionally. It takes years instill proper morals and ethics into people, even if Pryde has a predisposition to Psychopathy or Antisocial Personality Disorder. I understand not everyone has the resilience to do so but at least then Queen Mother could say without regret that she did her best instead of this wishy-washy self-pity. She is right, she has been a terrible mother to Pryde. It makes me wonder if the Queen herself doesn't have some predisposition to personality disorders, which Pryde inherited from her. Possible predisposition to mental illness does not take away responsibility of their actions from either the Queen or OG Pryde
Dex-chan lover
Sep 3, 2020
Self-fulfilling prophecy at its damn finest, Queenie, at its damn finest
Mar 1, 2020
It's quitr scary how the lack of parental absence can form a child.

I don't know, at one hand i'm glad that she realises her mistakes and failures but at the other i'm mad at her.

I'm looking forward to her interactions with them all. Albert and Rosa is a cute couple too.
Nov 17, 2019
yikes that mom sucks
hope we don't see her much cuz wtf she said she's gonna treat her like her little sister now
so u give love to one and not the other and wonder why she behaves badly???
Oct 15, 2020
Nah the mother is trash. There's no redeeming abandoning a child for 8 years because you saw them become a villain in a premonition. I thought maybe it would be for her protection but nah it's a stupid reason. The literal neglect for pryde but unconditional love for tiara followed by the loss of the only parent who believed in her is what turned her into a villainess nightmare. She had zero grounding influences to help her navigate grief and isolation. Like nah its completely unacceptable. If you're afraid of your kid being horrible, then you intervene. You remove the corrupting influences, heal the trauma, encourage and discipline behaviors as needed, and lastly just freaking love your kid. That Rosa may be beautiful but shes a trash mother and queen. Perhaps if she had lived with her daughter all that time the dad wouldn't have died in an accident he could've walked down the hall or waited until family dinner. Ugh that father should've called her out more. I wish he would've been like "uhm i mean yeah you completely neglected her while you obviously deeply loved her sister so of course she was a monster in your premonitions that was probably largely the fault of your neglect and my possible death considering our daughter saved my life".
Fed-Kun's army
May 22, 2020
even if the mother saw OG!Pryde's future, she could have always prevented it if she had tried to understand the reason why her daughter became that way.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2019
Biggest failure. Queen 1 is an idiot, and paves the wave for Queen 2 to become a tyrant. Shes such a genius, Im sure neglect was the best way to mold your child to be good ey? Oh and why does the dad die btw? Because apparently Pryde is isolated in her own castle so far away from the rest of the family that her dad literally had to take a carriage to go to the Queen. The consultant and the Queen. oh boy do they make a wonderful duo
Apr 1, 2019
everyone is saying that the mom sucks, but if I had visions that my child was going to become a ruthless dictator, I'd want to stop them too...
It's like seeing that you're child is going to grow up to be Hitler and not trying to do anything to stop it.
Oct 26, 2020
Gaaah, this story hits too close home...

The mother... wait lets fix that, she is NOT a mother, just a 9 month incubator (or less time) she is a faulty idiot, who the hell cares about your "premonitions" you need to read greek drama more XD (probably doesnt exist something like that there) self fullfilling prophecy at the best... or worst.

Such an utter failure, kids want to be loved and notice, failure in that might made them act, and thats what she created by hating (yes, hate) her first daughter.
Sep 12, 2020
@NeonWinter But you have to remember, did she put ANY efforts to see the root of the problem? She knows what is gonna happen, but she doesn't take a moment to think, "Hmm, I can predict the future exactly, and since I'm seeing what is to come, maybe it's my fault for not loving her" But noooooo she just had to be a jackass and ignored her.
May 17, 2018
@NeonWinter Then raise your kid not to be a dictator? It was clear the old her refused to intervene and decided to make the problem worse instead. Worst mother of the year.
Aug 15, 2020
So the mother was the problem the old Pryde turn out like that, trusting the future knowledge and ignoring to fix the problem and leave it to rot.
Apr 22, 2020
Hahahaha the number “she’s gonna have a bad future so I’ll avoid her!” Dumb arse has she ever considered that she’s part (if not completely) the reason why wow I’m angry ! Neglectful parent acting like the victim! No!! You’re trash!! No excuses! :)
Oct 14, 2020
The heck is this?! That mother might be nice but don't like her!! So she decided to avoid Pryde just because she predicted that she'll turn into a bad woman?! And instead of correcting her own daughter, she chose to avoid her?! Isn't she basically one of the reasons why the original Pryde turned into a villainess?! That's no mother!! Just a woman that merely gave birth to Pryde!! Gosh, why did she not think that it's because she believed that future, that the original Pryde turned evil in the first place!! She should have showered her with love like what she did with Tiara!! Look, Tiara turned out to be an angel, didn't she?! I hate this woman!!
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2020
How can the queen callherself a mother?
Now is true that we don't know the context of the vision (and probably neither do her). We don't know if the queen continued to have her original behviour if Pryde would be grown as a vicious tyrant.
But Damn you child in an adult body, it's obvious that complete neglect CAN'T make the things better, at best it will go as if nothing was done, at worst your child will grown way more disturbed then predicted. Even without premonition she could have understood this.
It is much difficult to restrain yourself to operate in a middle way? Avoid spoling her rotten, but also avoid to neglect her. Operate as a frigging parent and guide your child t grow into a well functioning adults.
Granted things could also go shit in this way, but at least you can say you actually tried.

Also if you know that your daugheter and future queen will become a vicious evil tyrant, even if you are afraid to confront her and resolve to willingly neglect her, at least put safeguard in places.
Put informants that report infos on her, instruct people of high authority to stop her from doing evil stuffs. Reduce the power of the royals. Transition to a republic.
There are a lot of possibility to prevent some kind of people to do harm.
the OG Pryde was basically left not only neglected by her mother, but basically unchecked.
(Also by seeing the terrified reactions of the maids in the first chapters, it seems that she was already vicious before her father death in the game )
Dex-chan lover
Oct 20, 2018
Cunt mother that maybe in the future could maybe, just maybe, be forgiven. For real, the future is never set in stone, even more when it comes to people and how they will turn out in the future. Does she have shit for brain? Does she not know about education and love? If she could forsee Pryde's future, didn't she ever see something that could have told her "Pryde turned out like that because I was a horrible mother, never showed her any love but always doted on my other daughter"? Show her some love her and there and tell her she is a good girl if she does something good. Help her forge her own moral compass, don't neglect her and think, "she'll somehow turn out alright. And if not, I have a backup daughter, so it's fine anyways. Not like she could destroy the country, right?"
And what the person below me said is true. There are many ways shit queen could have avoided Pryde creating so much mayhem. Shitty queen and cunt mother...
Dec 26, 2019
The 8 years of neglect, the death of the father who was the only person to love her unconditionally, & the death of her mother so that the source of her emotional scars would never heal are definitely what molded the og Pryde into a heartless tyrant. Giving a heartbroken child no time to grieve, near absolute power, & no one by her side except a magical contract bound "brother" - that's a true recipe for disaster. I'm thinking she made Style kill his mom as a way of lashing out, both bc her mother never loved her & bc her parents died. If she can't have her parents or their love, even as an all-powerful queen, then she doesn't want her "brother" to have his either. Him calling for his mother while sick probably caused her to become horribly jealous that his mother is still alive & loved & took care of him all his life. It makes sense in a terribly twisted way & that probably started her path of no return.
Aug 24, 2019
What a shitty manga with terrible characters, normally when i find manga bad i just brush it off and throw away but this i so bad that it even made my lazy self write this rant.
Mc is some kind of saint and that’s the most boring way to make your character, is she doing all that only for her survival? Is she some wild animal instead of human being with ideas and desires?
That prince is not behaving like 8yo would at all, even if he had to grow up faster than other he’s action are not in line with his age.
That mother queen, doting on her second daugther and abandoning first one bc she saw she would grow a bad person. Like wtf, can u then raise her to be a decent human being like ummm, what you’re doing with younger child? Also her vision is usless if it shows her false visions.
I dont know where the story goes from here but it probably end with mc being a saint, going to school, being saint there and capturing all targets for herself.
Fuck this
And thank to anyone who read my rant, i hope u have a good day.

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