I'm not convinced by this chapter... Crop rotation already existed in ancient Egypt. It was the number of fields (two, three or even four) and the specific crops grown on each that were refined from the Middle Ages onwards.
The last boom was the introduction of synthetic fertilisers.
In Remilia's world, you should already know a minimum crop rotation to sustain the population of these cities/kingdoms. The magically produced synthetic fertilisers would be revolutionary though.
Yeah, and they talked about that a few chapters back. They specifically already know about crop rotation.
What the Willard didn't know about was adding the forage crops and allowing the cows to eat them. And what neither Willard nor Pina knew was that the process worked best because of the introduction of the manure as fertilizer.
Meanwhile, Remilia's emphasizing the importance of the fertilizer, even accentuating it by using demon mana, further putting a spotlight on the importance of demons and elevating their social status as contributors. That, plus Remilia constantly focuses on test trials and replicating results when possible. She's done that the entire manga. Meanwhile, Willard introduced the idea of putting the forage crops and animals without truly understanding how long it would take to work. Remilia's demon mana-infused fertilizer speeds that process up exponentially. Moreover, because of her land, she's had months to test it out.
Willard introduced an idea on an already half-known process based on incomplete information, whereas Remilia not only had data, but proven results. That's the main point.
I think too many readers got caught up by the word "crop rotation" and tuned everything else out.
EDIT: Ah, also, the context in which Remilia is speaking about crop rotation is to a dwarf, who, from what we saw, lives in a land underground and likely doesn't rely on farming for food nearly as much as people living in the plains. It's not like she's explaining the concept of crop rotation to a country. She's only introducing mana-infused fertilizer that works fast as heck. But to Princess Sara? This is likely new and potentially applicable information depending on how they get food to their underground lands.
That's why I find comments calling this chapter bad a tad irritating. And those saying the author is stupid are outright insulting, considering how little they actually read.