The One Within the Villainess - Vol. 5 Ch. 19 - Dance in the Palm of My Hand

Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
First prince definitely looks half demon, his ears and features are very similar to the demon kids.

I wonder if he'll be happy to see humans and demons living in harmony in mc's estate, if he is a mixed race character.

Especially since if his mum was full demon in the palace after how we've seen them be treated.. She's most likely been mistreated by the nobility. (at best)
First of all, considering the history the kingdom had with demons, i doubt the mum would have been allowed to live in the palace to begin with, if she was known to be a Demon.
Most likely, if she is a Demon, she probably hides her identity, because of the past outlook towards demons (either the king knows about her truth, or he also doesn't know).
Double-page supporter
Oct 28, 2023
This is the few manga that MC still be villainess to the core and used villainess methods to crush her enemy

not the saint in villainess body like other series.
Yeah, that was I like about Remilia. Her character traits is still same as in the original game. A yandere who obsessed with her special someone. The only difference is who she obsessed with.
In game, it's her fiance and she become crazy after he rejected her. This time though, it's a girl that take over her body but love and put Remilia's happiness first. In both of time, Remilia still decided to destroy anything that wrong her special someone. Just using different method.

Huh, were we told what happened during the fake saint's charity feeding program? I don't recall reading anything about that before.
There's a mentioned of food poisoning and the street that was filthy. So I guessing they don't bother to clean up the environment before and after charity program. And just left the remaining trashes around the street, which caused bacteria to spread and go to their food. Not to mention, the fake saint seem to be using the main street, not slum, to open her charity, so if the poisoning become some kind disease, it can spread to the mass faster that eventually lend to pandemic.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
It’s so convenient to completely redeem a character because he’s brainwashed.

No, make him accountable.
Depends on the level of brainwashing though.

If the person is so brainwashed that they can't make decisions for themselves or are too attached to the one who brainwashed them, then it really isn't their fault, as they never had control over what they did.

On the other hand, if the brainwashing was on surface level, which only directed a certain feeling towards the target, while leaving their decision making abilities mostly unaffected, then the fault does lay with them.
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Group Leader
Mar 23, 2018
I get that there was food poisoning and disease. I'm asking if this was previously mentioned or shown. So that's a no, right?

It seems a lot of stuff was just glossed over and just dismissed in a few lines of dialogue. For example, the failure of the crop system was also just said to be failed, but it wasn't explained. Same with the failure of the food distribution, they just mentioned it in dialogue and there are no details.

Oh well, I still enjoy it.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2023
Glad to see a villain story actually starring a villain. In all honesty, no blame lies on William, he was literally brainwashed, something Reimilia should know given her access to "meta knowledge" of the world. Its not like you can prevent your affection being raised by the items. But still, reimilia doesnt care one bit. Shes out for revenge, whether just or not.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2023
I get that there was food poisoning and disease. I'm asking if this was previously mentioned or shown. So that's a no, right?

It seems a lot of stuff was just glossed over and just dismissed in a few lines of dialogue. For example, the failure of the crop system was also just said to be failed, but it wasn't explained. Same with the failure of the food distribution, they just mentioned it in dialogue and there are no details.

Oh well, I still enjoy it.
It didnt fail, it simply wasnt anything new. (There was quite a laughable paper from a medical researcher, claiming to have found new method of determining the area under a special kind of curve. Turns out she rediscovered ancient greece knowledge, nowadays taught in highschool. Needless to say it became quite an embaressment.) In his case, it was especially ridiculous, as the method was brand new, but already implemented, either showing ignorance on his part or plagiarism.

Btw, you all pretend its that easy preventing food poisoning in a world without basic hygenie...
Dex-chan lover
Jan 25, 2018
While I enjoy the little show that Remilia have orchestrated, I still have a lingering regret that she strikes against a person who've suffered the most. Williar did not deserve to be mindcontrolled and then triple fucked by everyone around him, even if he did foster a sense of jealousy towards Emi.
Spoilers from the novel:
Williard isn't controlled whatsoever, and is fully aware of what the fake Star Maiden is doing. He chooses to go along with it because he hates how competent Remilia is, and hopes doing this will knock her down a peg. That's why he's so upset in chapter 1 that she won't lower herself: his little plan failed and now he actually had to cast her away.

He remains hopeful that her banishment will teach her a lesson and dent her record of being perfect, but by the time he realises his entire idea was stupid and childish, it'll already be too late.

But he's not a victim, he is fully in control of the stuff he's doing. Same goes for the others in his entourage.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 3, 2019
Glad to see a villain story actually starring a villain. In all honesty, no blame lies on William, he was literally brainwashed, something Reimilia should know given her access to "meta knowledge" of the world. Its not like you can prevent your affection being raised by the items. But still, reimilia doesnt care one bit. Shes out for revenge, whether just or not.
William wasn't truly Brainwashed.
Only his feelings were manipulated, so that he was more affectionate towards Pina.

Nothing else was changed about him, as he had all the decision making capabilities.

The reason Remilia is after William for revenge is because she knows how the Drug works (based on Emi's knowledge), and understood that William never really confirmed any of the allegations against Emi'Remilia properly, even-though he claimed to have loved her and knew her since childhood (aka., Remilia is angry because William gave up on the trust build by Emi'Remilia over a decade so easily).
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
While I enjoy the little show that Remilia have orchestrated, I still have a lingering regret that she strikes against a person who've suffered the most. Williar did not deserve to be mindcontrolled and then triple fucked by everyone around him, even if he did foster a sense of jealousy towards Emi.
I think it's better explained in the book, but basically, while the star maiden uses a love perfume to increase her likability, it was ultimately her manipulative skill that win over the prince.

At first, nobody believe her when she says she was bullied, until she claims Remilia did it by jealousy. The boys were quite happy at this idea and eventually, the ego boost makes them believe it.
The prince truly believed Remilia did it, because he has an inferiority complex toward her, it feels good to him that she choose to stood low for jealousy. He believed that when she acknowledges her wrong and apologizes, he will forgive her, and they can be a couple as equal.
He feels betray by Remilia when she refuses to apologize, he thinks she picks her pride instead of him. He started to truly despite her at this moment. The exile was initially proposed as a treat only, but the prince goes with it to teach her a lesson, once she be humbled and apologizes, he will forgive and take her back. He didn't expect her to not contact him at all after her exile.

The musician and soldier didn't really believe she did it. But they still think maybe some stuff are true because of the ego boost. But they don't believe she tried to kill the star maiden. The plan was to make the prince and Remilia broke up by feeding him into his delusion, then they will smooth the broken heart of Remilia and drown in their own fantasy.
They expected Remilia to not apologizes and the break-up, they didn't expect the exile. Eventually, the brother convinces them to wait until Remilia call for help before taking her back to have a better impact. But she didn't, and they were chocked by it, then more or less forced to stay loyal to the star maiden because it will be weird if they change their stance now.

The brother is a creep. He was the less affected by the star maiden, he notices the perfume effect and stay away from her, he was completely rational, he just acted like he wasn't, so the star maiden didn't suspect anything. But he wanted to marry his sister and for that he needs her to break up with the prince. He also poison the father against her to having her remove from the family tree, so he can marry her later. He also behind the exile, it was mean to gain time while the paperwork for the family tree was done and cock block the others too. She was supposed to wait for him to bring her back as a brother, family and only ally who try to reason the rest and eventually Remilia who will be grateful to him will open up to more incestuous feeling.

Needless to say, they are all wrong. Even if Remilia didn't take the body control and Emi was still here, she was so traumatizes by this event she ended up in the coma for 15 years.
She got reborn as Remilia daughter on her own accord.

Also, it's not mentioned in the manga, but after Remilia exile, some witnesses admit not telling the truth about the bulling. That create a stir and 3 camp formed. A third of the witnesses admit lying, more than half are evasive about it, and a few continue their stances.
Since more than half of the witness were doubtful, it was proposed to reopen the case. But the prince object. Contrary to what the prince and 3 others dudes have told, they never really investigate the bullying case.

They didn't have proof outside of rumors, the pile of document they present is just a compilation of rumor and event without any concrete proof, just a pile of document. Mostly because Remilia was supposed to apologizes and be forgiven, not be exiled. If the case is reopened, it will be evident they slopped their work and condemned Remilia under little to nothing.

To protect themselves, the princes uses his royal authority to refuses the case to be reopened, three times. People question it, and that event make a huge blow to his credibility.

All that happen when Remilia was traveling the world, but the manga skip it. It was part of the reason Remilia was able to start her revenge. Since they were ground too bad practices in her condemnation, nobles were more open to give her the benefice of the doubt when she contacted them.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
Yeah, that was I like about Remilia. Her character traits is still same as in the original game. A yandere who obsessed with her special someone. The only difference is who she obsessed with.
In game, it's her fiance and she become crazy after he rejected her. This time though, it's a girl that take over her body but love and put Remilia's happiness first. In both of time, Remilia still decided to destroy anything that wrong her special someone. Just using different method.

There's a mentioned of food poisoning and the street that was filthy. So I guessing they don't bother to clean up the environment before and after charity program. And just left the remaining trashes around the street, which caused bacteria to spread and go to their food. Not to mention, the fake saint seem to be using the main street, not slum, to open her charity, so if the poisoning become some kind disease, it can spread to the mass faster that eventually lend to pandemic.
About the food poisoning, it was because of the mayonnaise. The star maiden try to reproduce it because she knows how to make it, but she neglects the hygiene part of food production. Because in modern day, bad egg aren't really a thing.

The charity event was poorly managed, she only distributes food while they were no famine or even real poor in the capital (most people living in the capital are rich after all, if she wanted to give food to the poor, she should have go outside). Not only she threw money away, but she didn't clean up after the event. The street became dirty, and the people stop shopping because of it, making the economy drop and merchant complain.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2018
I get that there was food poisoning and disease. I'm asking if this was previously mentioned or shown. So that's a no, right?

It seems a lot of stuff was just glossed over and just dismissed in a few lines of dialogue. For example, the failure of the crop system was also just said to be failed, but it wasn't explained. Same with the failure of the food distribution, they just mentioned it in dialogue and there are no details.

Oh well, I still enjoy it.
Yeah, the manga gloss over a lot of details.
Double-page supporter
Nov 22, 2019
Man, I love Remilia in this chapter so much. It's the most evil (and subsequently hot), she's displayed herself to be.

I wish the prince's foster brother luck at the beach. I also wonder if by eventually installing the first prince to the throne (as is his birthright???), the two countries could find peace with each other once Remilia attains the vengeance and justice she so rightly deserves for Emi.

I really should read the LN/WM for this. It sounds like from the comments, there's a lot of details omitted or skimmed over. Is there an official translation or should I be simply sailing the seas?

Thanks for the chapter!
Dex-chan lover
Oct 10, 2023
Ok can anyone remind me what the getaway mentioned here is exactly? I thought its the regular word meaning but the way they used it, it seems not.
Also did we ever see the 1st prince before?
Dex-chan lover
Dec 16, 2019
Well hello there 😏
sorry angel, you sit down.
We finally got a daddy 😍
Yes he's just a pawn, so does angel.
Everyone is pawn to vengeful remilia.
Double-page supporter
Oct 28, 2023
About the food poisoning, it was because of the mayonnaise. The star maiden try to reproduce it because she knows how to make it, but she neglects the hygiene part of food production. Because in modern day, bad egg aren't really a thing.

The charity event was poorly managed, she only distributes food while they were no famine or even real poor in the capital (most people living in the capital are rich after all, if she wanted to give food to the poor, she should have go outside). Not only she threw money away, but she didn't clean up after the event. The street became dirty, and the people stop shopping because of it, making the economy drop and merchant complain.
Yk, at this point even if Remilia decided to not do anything to them, the saint and her minions will self destruct on their own.
Like, she know a concept but never bother go into detail of it and others just support her without any questions? Yeah that bound to failure.

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