@timelessleaf I would consider reading on your site, in fact, I do read Miao Shou Xian Dan on your site, but fucking hell that site is AWFUL, give it a revamp please
that being said, what happened to Martial gods space?
It's not that bad? Sure there are ads but no pop up ads or anything retarded like that (unlike kiss >,>) and sure the site is old but eh? (This is the only one I've read off site)
the design is just bad, and all these different colors they use for their fonts etc. are really annoying and hard on my eyes https://i.imgur.com/Wio14ES.png
then there are random yellow bars https://i.imgur.com/5R4iQXa.png
and the search option for their projects is pretty bad too
Well to each their own... I'd rather use that site than kiss (I honestly had no idea there was a search function because I just used the drop down menu the entire time to go through their series)