Actually, i'm on neither sides, the emperor is still kinda stupid, I know he loves his daughter, but he also needs to care for his empire, 1 life cant be comparable to millions of lives. But the head priest is also very careless, Estrella is still so young, they should at least try to ask her opinion, Estrella just discovered new things and also just met her father, if they take her away without asking for her opinion, she wont have the time to do the things she always wanted to do, and there's also a chance that Estrella will agree to go to the temple, because I don't think Estrella is selfish and 1 more thing, the head priest just said "he was still so young when he lost his emotions..." BUT Estrella is also young, it seems like the head priest only cares about the emperor. By the way, i'm just trying to share my thoughts and respecting other people's opinions.