The Promised Neverland

Oct 24, 2020
read the missing chapters on other websites you most likely got other manga websites that you use for me i use like 3 which is manganelo, mangapark, mangaread.
Apr 26, 2020
All chapters, all good quality minus the extra chapter which you can read here on mangadex by clicking on the website they redirect you to.
don't link to aggregator sites
Nov 18, 2020
-Decided that what I posted wouldn't be great for potential readers. I wholeheartedly recommend this amazing ride.
Jan 22, 2018
About one third of this manga is pretty good. Then it deteriorates into average shounen full of clichés, plot armours, and tearjerkers. In the end MC advocates solidarism pushed to the pure idiocy and it works only because it's shounen manga...
... with "fairies". World setting is a mess. Mangaka tries to make it sci-fiesh, but it's fantasy with magic and some god like deus ex machina. But whatever, that doesn't change the fact that humans from Earth can wipe out all those demons who still lives in middle ages or early 19th century at best. Hence Ratri/Latrey family has no reason to keep their promise at least for the last 100 years. The premise is total bs. Mangaka at least could make Ratri pure evil who profits from farms and human experimentation, but he ended by redeeming them in general. And I don't even want to think about why asexual parasitic bacterias which can't even keep their shape have male/female sex and human like families.
Characters are full of wishful thinking and pulled through story by mangaka's plot armour. Few of them are killed in vain (kids killed by Andrew and Lewis) because their deaths result in no development for other characters. Some killed for tearjerkers (Mama). And I hated that he killed Mama using some stupid asspull. She was one of the few characters with some development besides Yuugo and Norman.
By the way by "solidarism pushed to the pure idiocy" I mean the idea that everything will be solved as long as butcherers and cattle can hold hands and sing Kumbaya. They are not equals who are at war over something bargainable. It doesn't work this way.
6 out of 10.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 19, 2018

the first arc was absolutely amazing. I find no fault in the first arc; pretty well made because it had been created in a span time of 5 years. The characters are fleshed out and everyone have their own personality.

The story goes on in cliche shounen mode. Lots of characters are introduced during the other arcs but there are almost no character development for the side charas. This causes that other side characters forgettable. There are lots of plotholes. It almost felt like it was rushed after the first few arcs. There are a lot more stories and backstories I want to hear about but it goes straight to the ending.
From the way the characters are designed and the worldbuilding, the story feels like there's more than what we're getting in the manga.

In contrast, although a lot of people may not agree, I do like the mc's (Emma) way of handling her things. She has a unique mindset and different perception.
Sep 27, 2019
Idk where else to talk about the new chapter of the promised neverland's beta story i read on viz... So I'll dump my thoughts here.

Massive spoilers for the whole series.
So long story short there's been civil wars non stop in a human world. Our POV character who's pretty much gave up on life and decides to work for gangsters/the mafia is saved by a christian orphan girl who just got adopted and is excited to become sisters with this terminally ill daughter of a rich dude. Reality was she was actually an unwilling organ donor sold out by the priest but the dude saves her after giving a good punch to the priest's face. The moral of the story being our birth is meaningless but we can give meaning to our lives anyways.

The terminally ill daughter overheard the dude's life speech, and decides to write in her final days and creates the promised neverland. Emma is the orphan girl who is kind and loves her family. The dude is most similar to Yugo who loses his family and enters a self destructive life until he's saved by a kind kid. Her father is similar to isabel who is two faced and is willing to do what needs to be done but does it out of love for his child but at the end of the day goes with what his daughter wants. The priest is represtented the demon queen and peter ratri that sees children only as products to be consumed for their personal gain/glory.

I like the thought of this girl writing tpn because it suits the direction that the story went in. She's living through these characters, venting her frustrations, her sense of hopelessness and despair, her greatest fantasy of an unrealistic happy ending against all odds where in reality they should have failed and die like many before them. I think her story would resonate strongly with the people of her war torn world, to still believe in hope and the innate good of humanity. To keep living even if its all meaning less in the end, is the hardest yet most important thing you can do.

These are just my thoughts and if your reading this I hope your doing okay and thanks for sticking around this long.
Sep 20, 2020
Readers can be divided into two categories: those who rate a manga based on its opening or those who judge it by the ending. Since I am in the latter category, I rate this manga a 4 (Bad). I can't forgive how it tramples over Norman and Ray just to make the Mary-sue Emma shine. Plot and pace so bad they undo all the tension in the beginning. It constantly makes you go "Huh?" every chapter in the latter half. The talk no jutsu and plot armors are bad here so be warned if you decide to read this manga.
Sep 20, 2020
😋Y'all don't need to read this... 😒
The anime is so different from this and it's disappointing shedding tears for this..😔
Some characters aren't even in the anime. But, It gives me hope that after Emma loses her memories in the next future episode, she will remember soon or she will make new memories with her siblings..
Happy reading an alternate version tho 😉😋

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Aggregator gang
Mar 26, 2019
Decided it was finally time to sit down and read this after watching what's going on with the anime. After even reading slightly what they decided wasn't worth adapting, I completely understand why so many are pissed.

Then to see the manga has fallen from grace by the end(similar to Beastars in a way). I don't even know if I want to continue
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
I've only caught the first few episodes of the anime, can you tell me (without spoilers lol) is the Anime following a different plot altogether or is it (more or less) the same plotline as the manga just hyper condensed?
Aggregator gang
Mar 26, 2019
@gomichandesu It's a completely different plot starting around episode 4. Apparently it was the authors decision due to the the ending not being very liked(This could be false but I've heard many people say it now, not sure who to believe) but the entire goldy pond arc is being skipped/removed which means pretty much the entire manga after the first arc is just defunct. The entire cast of characters that were introduced during goldy pond are also gone. It's really a shame. From what I understand most people like Goldy Pond and now it's just not a thing anymore

People were complaining how generic the last few arcs of the manga were and now the anime is even more of a generic fantasy setting than the manga.

All this mess is got people fighting over what is the real version of the story now. Series isn't really worth following if you want to be a part of discussions because they've all been poisoned. Which is even more of a shame
Group Leader
Jan 27, 2019
thanks man, I might actually watch the anime then. Main reason I didn't was because I figured I wasn't getting any new content anyway (good or bad) haha, or rather, decided to put it on the back burner until the events of the manga wasn't so fresh in my mind.

That is.... super weird about the goldy pond thing. Like, the whole battle with Lewis was pretty cool and like, there were a couple important characters introduced there.

And for me, the "real" version of the story is always the original source material lol. As much as I love the first iteration of the FMA anime, I know that shit ain't cannon lol

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