The Rapeman

Active member
Feb 15, 2019
@HeungMinSong let me ask you this: if the MC was a mercenary/hitman instead, someone who kills anyone for the right amount of money (instead of raping)... would you still be upset? I'm sure 90% of the people pissed at this wouldn't have said anything about it if that were the case. Stories with serial killers as main characters have existed since forever after all. There are even some mangas about assassins on this website and no one is upset... Yet in my books murder is just as morally wrong as rape, no?

My point is that THIS IS FICTION. Somehow people can differentiate fiction from reality just fine all the time, except when it comes to sexual violence. People became so sensitive in the past few years that you will ALWAYS find someone pissed about sexual violence in the comment section (even though it's tagged as such). Remember when people got pissed at Goblin Slayer for having a scene where an adventurer gets raped by goblins?
And recently people have started to become upset even for the stupidest things. You always get a shitton of angry people in the comments as soon as the ML is too forceful in shoujos: the FL gets kabedon'd and you see debates about consent in the comments. It's honestly becoming tiresome and ridiculous at one point.

Here is my view on this manga: not every main character has to be some kind of virtuous hero. Fucked up stories exist too. Authors have a right to write fucked up stories. And people have the right to enjoy fucked up stories.

I'd understand actual criticisms of the manga, because eh, it's not that good honestly. I'd give it a 5/10 at best: the pacing is kinda jumpy making it super hard to follow and the writing is honestly messy as fuck. But mass voting 0/10 just because "rape bad" is just stupid. People aren't even arguing about whether the manga is poorly written or not, they are just arguing that this kind of work shouldn't exist for some reason (with people going as far as saying you should be put on a watchlist if you defend the right for this to exist, wtf honestly).

It's tagged as sexual violence, so if sexual violence triggers you, how about you just don't read it?
Jul 10, 2019
Murdering people is different from rape. You don't leave the victim alive to feel the pain their whole life. What I can say in defence is that it was obviously made during very crude times. But nobody can help that and it deserves to breathe in the industry because it's art.
Mar 11, 2020
@highchiman murder is much worse than rape. Anyone who think otherwise has an option to kill themselves, but almost nobody does. And don't cite attempted suicide statistics for females, because almost all of it is done purely for attention and does not lead to actual death. As the saying goes - horizontal is for attention, vertical is for results.
Mar 11, 2020
@Goretantath If it was really worse then they could simply kill themselves afterwards. But almost nobody does. All of those me2 stories where a women suddenly share her experience of being raped 20+years ago, being perfectly fine for those 20+ afterwards and not committing suicide because it was worse than being killed. So no, I don't buy it that it is worse than death. If we had a statistic that showed "50+% rape cases end in suicide" you would have a point. And by suicide I don't mean "attempted suicide", but a real suicide where you actually die. Horizontal cuts for attention, vertical cuts for results.
May 20, 2020
oh boy, what a nice looking title, I wonder if this will be a controversial manga. LMAO

The hero we needed but dont deserve

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