Watched the animation. It was hysterical. Outrageous but funny. Also, somewhat heartwarming. I think he's a little flat though. Plain? He rapes upon request but the target must be some disagreeable bitch that needs fixing. Outlandish premise, but justice is never pleasant when you're the piece of shit.
Honestly though, his methods are much too soft and very discriminatory. What about the men? In real life, you'd need confinement and more extreme methods than just forced dicking. Really? Rape? That is not how you break and condition people (I mean, it MIGHT work, but it isn't efficient unless you plan to create a masochist, submissive slave, or a breathing sex doll).
Edit: so the goal is just to force a change in the girls for money? All those different needs and just one solution? No hero of justice? No dark sexual avenger? Just some sex offending hitman? I expected more of him. Such a letdown.