The Reason Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion

Aug 1, 2020
@Pokeroots you can read it on

scroll down till you see 'Chapters' and then click 'click to show all of the chapters'. then scroll to the bottom of that and click on chapter 1.
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 25, 2018
I mean I figured I could have grabbed it off any aggregation site but there's a reason I don't go to those
May 26, 2019
The priestess did give a hint “kill the brunette” i think she meant the real Raeliana so the duke should get rid of Beatrice as she is technically Raeliana “the brunette”

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Mar 10, 2019
I knew it I swear I knew it!!!!!

I had doubts that beatrice is the real rae and my doubts were confirmed when she (beatrice) said to rae that she’s not her friend since 5 months ago, and I was like how did she know unless she IS the real rae! (Because they don’t meet each other and how would she know her friend is no more?).

and the other thing few chapters ago the real rae said (would I be fine if I was beatrice?)

And I feel like the real beatrice is our current rae, IDK its just my thoughts maybe I’m being a bit dramatic!
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2019
S1(~40 chapters per season): Good setup, some intrigue, overall very nice, but sadly...
S2:Any kind of plot get watered down really hard by pointless fake harem. By the way, the whole king seal business
meant fucking nothing, it was just an empty plot device
S3:Same as S2.
S4: Actually good. The plot is finally moving somewhere, and pretty fast too. But it would've been nice if there was actual setup.

In the mid seasons plot keeps jumping from point to point, which can be confusing and unsatisfying. Some times flashback appears to totally justify why that whole dinner at the restaurant got abandoned.
Jul 23, 2020
i wouldn't say that 2nd season was really a harem , cause the romance part of the story is just a love triangle between Noah, Realiana and Justin ( i'm pretty sure when you said harem you meant reverse harem. pls correct me if incorrect) theres a reason the king the doesn't have a romantic interest for Raeliana,if he did the story would beeee...... kinda like ,just No! (theres a spoiler i read about why he isn't romantically attracted to our Female lead, and if that spoiler was correct and he actually did have an romantic attraction to rae it would be kinda gross in a way for some people ) well actually you did say it was a fake harem..... (wow did i write this for no reason...) btw when you said king seal did you mean the royal seal?
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 6, 2019
@kittten Fake harem is when there is THE love interest, with whom MC is going to end up naturally, but there are other "fake" love interests thrown into the mix to spice things up. This is vast majority of harems, btw. Even harem-daddy, Love Hina, is fake harem. And it's always easy to guess who THE love interest is. And there is no possible other endings, unless you either pull an Umi no Misaki(good example of what THE love interest is, btw) or hamstring the primary relationship.
There is no love triangle in Raeliana. Only main couple and third wheels. Justin is one. The "Pope" is another. Adam is also there, chilling.
The ultimate problem is that Justin and the Pope just hang around until the plot calls for them much later. Beatrice was teased at the end of season 1 and doesn't appear properly until season 4.
Hell, the who Beatrice plot makes very little sense, because Raeliana got out of the engagement so easily. What is the point of all the dark magic crap?
Sep 16, 2019
@gladiatorua a lil spoiler.

that's why Rae will ask OG Rae, "why don't you just talk to your parents about it?"

And OG Rae answered, "it's too late now"

But I think OG Rae coveted Bea's destiny.
Jul 23, 2020
I was trying explain to you before that I WAS TRYING TO SAY THAT THE “FAKE HAREM” THAT TOTALLY WAS THERE WASN’T A THING. I was just trying to say that this story was a one sided love triangle between Noah , raeliana and Justin. Where the HELL DID ADAM COME INTO THIS “FAKE HAREM” yes he is a good character that I think people like but still in story i think he’s like 18 or something like that and Rae WHO JUST GOT ACCEPTED INTO A KOREAN UNI BY KOREAN STANDARDS SHOULD BE ATLEAST 19 or 21 that makes her older then Adam and in KOREA ADAM IS STILL TECHNICALLY A MINOR in Korean standards,and who’s the Pope? (Btw in story I think they explained that Adam he was very young like 18 or some crap like that sorry if it’s wrong) Also here’s another,you didn’t need to tell me what a fake harem is Because ITS EXACTLY THE SAME WITH A REVERSE HAREM to me there’s no difference. Anyway thanks for just telling me what a fake harem was anyways, cause probably would take you some time to write it. Bye ( I just kinda disagree with some (when I mean some I mean ALL of it )of s1 s2 s3 s4 I think your a total idiot based on that commentary ) no offence soz if I said it a bit too harsh for you like how you judged the book on its seasons, hope we’re on good terms. Byeeee I’m looking forward to the next chapters of this manhwa ! Btw the reason why OG Rae couldn’t get out of the engagement is because she had no one to be engaged to and she was in engaged to franics brooks (I”m pretty sure he is a marquaris which if he is , his title is just before the dukes in status of power and Og Rae is from a baron family the lowest of status, so she couldn’t get out of the engagement because she had no one to be engaged with and only had one friend Beatrice so YEAH IT WOULD HAVE BEEN PRETTY HARD TO,BREAK THAT OFF GLADIATORUA your reasoning is pretty stupid if you didn’t think of that, and our Rae had info over Noah the duke (duke is the highest status you can get, without being part of the royal family) which OG Rae had none so that’s how OUR Rae got out of the engagement so easily.
Jul 12, 2019
is it just me or did the quality in the most recent chapter suddenly improve by quite a bit?
Dec 16, 2018
This is a very likable manhwa for the first 20 or so chapters, after which the Endless Parade of Himbos trying to woo our protagonist started to wear on me. I'm on Chapter 68 now and I'm really not sure what to make of any of this. Nothing's really happening, it's pretty clear who the Chief Big Himbo is for the purposes of the story, and the others are mostly treated as comic relief or plot foreshadowing. The protagonist is genuinely cool and the author seems to be quite educated on the workings of what seems to be (as far as I can tell) an early modern state currently in the process of transitioning to a centralized meritocratic bureaucracy, while the old guard of the first estate do their best to keep the pecking order.

And then for 40 chapters we enjoy Wacky Hijinks with a brief interlude of actual story now and again. It's clear that the author is trying to write each himbo in to do something useful, but at this point it's reading like an actual otome game with constant "events" with these men who act like caricatures of their dating sim stereotype. I'm not necessarily against this, but every time the story's gotten serious and actually given Raeliana an enemy to overcome or a goal to reach she.... kind of just solves it. She's great at everything, a chessmaster (god bless that chessboard, that was the first warning on how uneven the quality of writing could be), a great shot with a gun, perfectly versed in noble ettiquette and capable of holding her own if not overcoming groups of Trained Attack Ojousamas in verbal combat, her fiancee pretty clearly unconditionally loves her, her robot himbo bodyguard likes her, her "drinking buddy" likes her, the king likes her (as a brother-in-law), the literal actual pope likes her, and so on.

I was actually expecting a lot more conflict, or at the very least some kind of progress. Instead it's just character interaction (god help you if you're in a pope chapter where he's just kramering around like a jackass the entire time) and then Raeliana muses about how the story isn't going according to plan and she has to fix it, or Raeliana and her Chief Himbo get horny and then Raeliana denies that she likes him because it feels like the story would have absolutely nothing going on if they ever actually got married.

There's potential for a good story here and I'm most likely going to keep reading this but the pacing is like the 2nd arc of an isekai webnovel, the one where the protagonist inevitably just up and leaves the entire setting behind to go do stuff with completely new characters in a different setting, to the point that you question if the author didn't just want to write a new book but was too scared to let the success of their initial work go. It just meanders, and it feels somewhat familiar but the magic isn't there.
Jul 13, 2018
warning: hot take

It occurred to me while reading this manga that the existence of something like fate or "God's plan" is kind of... a massive human rights violation? It's pretty much a given that for every person to live their lives every step of the way as intended by an outside force is a complete denial of their fundamental right to the freedom of thought and conscience. In other words, the best conclusion to the story is for Raeliana to kill the Goddess, who is undeniably the main antagonist in this scenario. What a bitch.
Jul 10, 2019
For the first time! I never regreted a decision i made... I decided to ignore this manhwa after chapter 73! And now i have binge reading it until ch. 134!!! So im going to ignore this one again and came back if it have plenty more chapters to binge read.
Jul 21, 2019
@pato Well
The goddess isn't bad or good, she does what she thinks is good, you can see him as a villain because of his insensitivity but he is someone neutral, someone who is omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient, for someone who already knows what is going to happen I only leave the things happen .............. if you say it for the protagonist, it is sad and cruel, since she doesn't know if that life would be the best for her or not, if it's for the villain, It is also cruel but to say that it is the fault of a being who only lets things happen would be silly, if he had to blame someone, it would be the witch who advised him to do this madness and the villain herself with her thought of being The heroine of the book without doing something to be called that, in fact she did the opposite and only showed that that death destiny suited her ring to finger because so that it served to make her know the truth, with her life she only destroyed and not he regret
Dex-chan lover
Oct 27, 2018
Hey guys, is this a light novel? The tags says 'adaptation' but i cant find it at all

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