...having seen the raws, a lot of these lines are translated weird. A couple examples:
A "She has the right to speak out for herself."
B "Only me, his highness Leon's fiance."
C "No one else can do it."
Granted the positioning of these word bubbles are a little weird, but given the context A→B are more like a continuous statement. In JP it is:
A あの方に口を出す権利があるのは
B レオン殿下の婚約者である私だけ
C 他の誰も手出しは無用ですわ
Roughly translates to:
A "The only one with the right to reprimand that person"
B "is me, his highness Leon's fiancee."
C "There is no need for others to meddle (in our affairs)!" ← Basically telling them to butt out.
Some other lines stood out to me as well, like
Can you not see because of the pain?
痛みで眠らないのか → Can you not SLEEP because of the pain?
(this one might just be typo?)
Please don't mind it. Didn't you know the flogging?
気にしないでください。鞭打ちなんて知らなかったでしょう? → Please don't mind it. You didn't know about the flogging, right?
I'll agree as long as you keep it a secret from Prince Leon about me quitting as a noble.
私が令嬢をやめたがっていたことをレオン殿下に秘密にしていただけるのなら → As long as you agree to keep it a secret from his highness Leon that I wanted to stop being a noble. (implying acceptance)
(In which she is previously praised by Zack)
I won't do the same things to the knights.
騎士団の皆様のようにはいきませんね → (roughly, with liberties) I would be incomparable to the rest of your esteemed knights though.
Not here to ruin fun or challenge the group or anything, it's just mistranslations can distort whole storylines and characters. It's a pretty heavy responsibility to accurately convey the author's intention if you think about it. If translator group reads the comments then I would humbly like to ask for another round of QC or checking the translation accuracy in general. A few hiccups would probably be okay and accepted in general as it's understandable translation is hard. But I felt like there were a few too many here to overlook this time.
Genuinely speaking out of concern and not wanting to upset anyone. I'm sorry if I do. 😨