Thanks for the update ❤️
God's favorite child seems kind of lacking another woman is pressing up against her fiance and she's silent while a maid has to take care of it. And the prince can break off his engagement to a Dukes daughter because she insulted someone and that's not proper for a future Queen but he can't tell this woman to get off him because her breast are pressing into him and that's also inappropriate? Plus he also talks down on her, doing the same thing he said was the cause of breaking off his engagement.
Plus the difference between the personality of the current queen and Dorthy are levels different, how is she ever going to fill that position? Just because she's God's child what good is it if she doesn't know how to be a Queen, she'll have to study and take lessons but so far there's no real reason she's the future queen other than the prince likes her
And if MC is such a valuable person the Queen can't let go then why did they let the engagement fall through because she was publicly rude to the girl staying close to her fiance, even the other noble ladies agree with her actions and disliked Dorthy for being too frienly with him when she shouldn't have been. Surely having such a cunning and smart person running the nation is better than her using those abilities to be a maid?