The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent - Vol. 4 Ch. 16.3 - Another Saintess Part 3

Nov 26, 2019
Dex-chan lover
Dec 6, 2018
They really made this whole thing a lot milder in this manga compared to the wn.
Here it seems they want to say it's all coming from a good place, whereas in the wn she's quite literally sequestered and forbidden to talk/approach anyone other than the prince and a few of his aides.
Apr 11, 2019
Since late Chapter 13 this manga continues to go downhill. Think I'll take a break from it for awhile.
Dec 4, 2019
@Disguised22 I am totally agree with you! For now at least the prince is not really an antagonist or villain so far. He is just naive but he has good intention at the very least.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@WillLi It says so outright in the recent chapters that Kyle shielded her from anything and that she clung to him because he was the only Person she knew and therefore put her thrust in. It's also stated other Students approached her when she was alone and only with accusations prepared due to her situation.
Granted her Personality is definitely a Problem, according to recent chapters she's the kind of diligent girl that does what she's told which isn't exactly helpful for independent decision making. If she had someone that would give her a push things probably work out but that person is definitely not Kyle thought it seems Elizabeth wants to be that one. But before that she has to beat the Idiot Prince Barrier.
I mentioned it already but remember that all those people aside from Kyle and maybe the advisor's she gets assigned to are strangers to her, timid people don't really have a tendency to talk to strangers and tend to avoid trouble. Honestly you say she is trying to avoid uncomfortable things but this is a Girl stuck in a Foreign World surrounded by strangers, can probably never meet her family again and oh she probably is told what the Saint Role is so she's aware she also will need to get in danger. That sounds pretty damn uncomfortable to me. But as she literary has nothing else (to her knowledge) she does what she's told. Being 16 is no magical "I AM NOW INDEPENDENT" Barrier, especially in Japan.
She and Shisei really need to meet.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@theShear as I posted to everyone else multiple times it says "Shielded her from the world" but that can be interpreted multiple ways. But also she goes to class, so it's unlikely, but also unverifiable, that she "can't talk to anyone". Yes it's 'uncomfortable' and yes they're 'strangers' but none of that changes the fact that she is aware of the problem and making no effort. You yourself admit that her 'personality is a problem'. And that's just it, you just explained how things can be different than how they are, if her personality is different. It doesn't matter how pitiable she is, the fact is she has the power to change this situation but isn't doing anything about it, because she doesn't want to, as her own thoughts showed. Pretty much everything you said is just making excuses and you don't even give a good reason as to why she's not doing it. You've just piled up a "Look at how bad her situation is" and are telling me to feel sorry for her. But that doesn't change the fact that she knowingly doing something wrong.

Do you even realize the initial thing you came to me about was "What else should she do?" You've not only answered your own question by highlighting exactly what is causing her to do the wrong things (her personality of just mindlessly following orders) you even spoke that "She needs to beat the idiot prince barrier" you're sitting here talking about how she needs to act or change, but then your'e saying that it's okay that she does absolutely nothing.

You need to realize, that just because you're in a bad situation, doesn't always mean that the fact you -stay- in a bad situation is out of your control. I'm sure you've heard the phrase "It's not the cards you're dealt, it's how you use them" While that isn't always true, it usually is. And that is Aria's situation. Yes she was raised a certain way, yes she essentially was kidnapped, yes she is to some extent(but undisclosed how much) being sheltered. But it's not impossible for her to make moves to change that, she just chooses not to.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@WillLi My Whole point was that some people are too weak to get out of a bad Situation themselves, that's doesn't make them bad persons or villainous. This Girl is Weak no doubt about it but saying that makes this whole situation her fault is cruel and ignores the overall situation that she never remotely wanted or asked for. I explained my points many times but it seems you aren't willing to consider them ... or actually properly read them even considering you called them "excuses" going by your text above (which I frankly consider pretty fucking rude) so I'm gonna stop now.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@theShear it doesn't make their actions 'okay' or 'without fault' either though. And no one has once said this whole situation is her fault, rather people are instead saying the whole situation is the prince's fault. The one not reading is you if you think people are saying everything falls on her. I even explained to someone before on this topic the difference between "Not faulting her" and "saying her actions are okay". And the fact of the matter is no matter how bad her situation is, that doesn't change what needs to be done, and it doesn't change that she's damaging relationships. That's the facts. The world doesn't sit around and wait for people to get over depression or trauma. It sucks, but that's how things are, even if the women understand she's traumatized from her situation, they can't get the time that they've missed with their fiances back no matter how sorry Aria ends up being in the long run, or how much they forgive her. That's why choosing to do nothing is a 'wrong' action.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 12, 2018
lmao highest comment count thanks to the Prince's stupidity.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Just kill the prince already. The demon king will die at the same time, the world will be saved, them japanese will be able to go back to their own world, and covid19 will disappear from ours.

Oh, don't forget to burn the body in front of the screen panels. Those types tend to come back to life like a cockroach when you're not looking.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
Poor Aira... I hope she manages to be the first one to make it back home. 😭
Jun 29, 2018
Thank you, thank you, thank you, Fanicorn Scamlations! I love this manga so much! Your translations are so well done. Thank you! 😊💞✨
Sep 20, 2019
Ugh I'm getting really annoyed with that prince. When will he be slammed with the truth grrlkaskldfnalsdfklaf
Dex-chan lover
Nov 22, 2018
Well, we obviously know from Liz's tea party and from the novel that the prince is a baka; but taking this chapter alone has another much more sinister reading.

That the prince has decided that he'd like to keep Aira as a pet and is pushing Liz away because he wants to isolate Aira.
Dec 8, 2019
Elizabeth was being nice and reaching out and but Kyle just had to cut in, annoying bitch this Kyle!!!!
Also I'm glad that Elizabeth didn't descend into that whole jealous villainess spiral - most probably due to Sei's influence but still, she's quite level-headed. Can't wait to see what happens next and I hope that poor Aira makes some friends who are girls or gets to meet Sei so that she can have a comforting meal. She must be terribly homesick by now.
Nov 12, 2019
I'm the only one who gets triggered every time in a manga they barge in the middle of a conversation? I really hate those kind of behaviour. Gets on my veins I just want to slap someone. XD

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