She's actually considering going out with Yuki-kun? Typical. "I'm in love with someone who's in love with me but I'll be damned if I'll admit it so I'll just go out with someone else who I couldn't give two shits about to avoid the situation."
@FredFriendly Even without the fact that she's already in love, how in hell can she consider a confession without liking the guy? This whole "confession culture" in manga really doesn't make any sense.
Even without the fact that she's already in love, how in hell can she consider a confession without liking the guy? This whole "confession culture" in manga really doesn't make any sense.
Well, there was that one series where the female lead agreed to date the 3rd wheel, who she had no feelings for, instead of the male lead who she did have feeling for the simple reason that she stated, "I had no reason to refuse."
@novant@NSteve Sorry, but I can't think of it. I tend to forget those mediocre, unimpressive series. I generally only remember the ones that I either like alot or hate just as much. If it comes to mind I'll let y'all know.