I have some things to note;
A. I think the main guy WAS Kevin Ashton before he died that is, the reasoning being; 1. He sees the blue screen and if that is as improbable as we are led to believe then it's unlikely that they are separate people. 2. The flute; although it's none magical he is drawn to it, it's probably something he saw from when he was alive BUT it's in a private area cut off from society so he wasn't normal. 3. He's a man; this may seem stupid but it's more likely Kevin Ashton was a male since there's pretty much no reason to hide your gender in this universe (since we've seen women in high places)
B. I think he's going to AND should pick Hunter; it just makes the most sense since it's about knowledge of your surroundings and predicting what your enemy will do. Also for all you people saying he should pick knight; I hope ur joking, it is soooo unpractical especially since it probably has drawbacks to fighting on foot. Finally, the swordsman seems like it'd be an OK choice BUT the fact that it says that his face shouldn't be reflected in his blade hints at a negative in association to that; but in the end, I don't think he'll pick that because it's too obvious.