@ManlyMan6545 @Spookie
by “turning on them” I don’t mean reading the other version, I mean bashing them in the comments for (rightfully) being upset about what happened. and that happens to be my EXACT point; it wasn’t fun for them and only resulted in their name getting dragged through the mud the longer it went on, so they dropped it.
from this mass release, you could tell they probably had a lot of chapters partially worked on but couldn’t release them because other parts were causing a block (typesetters didn’t have the proofreads/cleans, proofreaders didn’t have the translations yada yada), and like someone else said, most likely released them so their hard work wouldn’t go to waste.
this also happened with stepmother’s marchen, where the sniper made themselves out to be the victim with the whole “idk I was told this was bad

((( but I want to hear what you guys think, because I definitely don’t already know you’ll side with me & shit on the other group!”, going as far as bashing them when they hadn’t messaged/posted anything rude. except in d&a’s case, they were already releasing at a pretty decent rate (esp considering the fact that it’s school time)
also, what do you mean by “lashing out”? because that one note they wrote didn’t come off nearly as childish as anything the sniper commented lmao
I think that this whole ordeal has proven that it is not, in fact, because they “have fun ❤️ and do it for the readers ❤️” but because they sniped and therefore were able to pump out chapters faster. you’re free to read whatever you want, but to hate on d&a for being upset about it is really, REALLY something else.
(also lmao thanks
@Meskie you too)