@lucine You seem to have presumed the events and reacted based on that.
The first group to translate this series was Devil & Angel Scans (D&A). The first 4 chapters came once per month. Two days after D&A released Chapter 4, No Named Group (NNG) released Chapter 5. It received a lot of criticism for the image sizes being inconsistent and the translation being bad ("...If I think about it, Gaspal can only screaming to it") and an overuse of "Oppa". 22 and a half hours later they released Chapter 6. The translation quality had improved but was still in dire need of a proof reader whose native language was English, since in a credits note, they state that their native language is not English and they are translating this series for practice. If you did not like the translations, you did not have to read them and could wait for someone else.
6 hours after that D&A released their Chapter 5. The next day, NNG release their Chapter 7, which is where the drama really took off. The credits note for this chapter asked "Do you guys want us to keep translating it or not? Comment "Claude Forever" if you do and "Love Tristan" if you don't." If you look through the comments on that Chapter, you will see a lot of support, because they are fast, but those opposing it mention the fact that they are sniping, they have taken a project that D&A was working on a lot more carefully out of their hands for practice.
The next day, they released Chapter 8 and their credits note reiterated "If you don't like our translations, wait for another group," since they know their version is far from perfect and they aren't asking anyone to stop translating the series. 6 hours later, D&A released Chapter 9. This is the only part that needs to be "leaked" but there's so little that it's entirely irrelevant. D&A messaged NNG regarding the fact that they have sniped the series and received no response. The note also explains why they take issue with sniping and ask people to not support sniping.
One curious part of the credits note is that it begins with "We have not given permission to anyone." If you take it literally, it is a wildly arrogant statement. If you grant the benefit of the doubt, it may be in the same style as a father giving his permission to man to marry his daughter, an acknowledgement that they are equally care for the daughter/series.
An hour and a half later, NNG release their Chapter 9 with a credits note. They state that they have just learned that they have been sniping, despite this being mentioned in the comments of most of their prior chapters. After being accused of sniping the series by D&A, they accused D&A of sniping them by releasing Chapter 9 before them. It continues saying that they don't understand why they must ask for permission and this is all illegal anyway. After this, they ask a question "What should we do? Comment "Tristan Lover" for us to do Chapters 1 to 4, "Baron Gaspal" for "our own version of Chapter 1 only" and "Claude Forever" for them to carry on with Chapter 10."
Two and a half hours later, they release Chapter 10 with a credits note. It's mostly thanking people for their support and another "CLAUDE FOREVER!!! XD" but a comment was included, which is quite curious for fairness' sake. "If there are people who say they won't [read our works], then it's okay. We know you're reading it anyway

" If you take it literally, it's incredibly petty. If you grant them the benefit of the doubt, it's them being playful as they state later.
2 days later, Chapter 11 releases with a credits note to read the comments. This is where their response to D&A's message is found. "We are new to this scanslation things and we're having fun while we doing it. We haven't responded to you because we were scared you will tell us to stop releasing this manhwa." They got confused that they received the message after Chapter 6, not Chapter 5 and because they were deliberating how to respond and got positive feedback, having already finished their Chapter 7 and spent more time translating instead of addressing the message.
They continue that since this is all illegal "why there was so much rules in here?" and "Why can't we both release our works?" If that is their stance, why their initial fear in being asked to not translate the series, they can just ignore D&A's (in this case) request because multiple groups can work on a series.
They end with a message to those asking them to stop sniping the series, "we'll repeat it for the third time, please wait for another group version if you don't like our translation. Or please consider blocked our group."
This is where large message in credits note come to an end
Everything was quiet for a week and in the credits of Chapter 15, NNG announce they are slowing down for Chinese New Year. Two days after that D&A translate every Chapter from 6 to 18 and announce that they are dropping the series.
player3, an account made 8 days ago, releases Chapter 19 25 hours later, someone re-releases it in a different font and a third person uploads a literal image of a troll all under the name of Chapter 19, but the latter have been removed
player4, an account made 2 days ago uploads Chapter 20 some time after. Due to the fact that the font apparently changed 3 times in one text box and had text running out of the bubbles, it was removed.
thegoodplayer, an account made yesterday has released this Chapter 21. This is a random person, clearly playing with the fact that player3 and player4 aren't taking this series seriously. The drama doesn't involve them, nothing was cancelled because of a leak, there's no organisation regarding the translation of this series because there are three tribes and some free men. The NNG tribe, the D&A tribe and the popcorn-eating tribe. Since NNG never responded to D&A to resolve the drama that they created it's devolved into this.
The D&A tribe are shit out of luck because translations will come to a stop at Chapter 18 - after all, NNG asked them to block them.
The NNG tribe don't need to care, they'll continue to get their fast releases after NNG return from CNY
The popcorn-eating tribe can move onto the next drama because I have serious doubts that shitflinging and one-off sniping will become a staple of this series. I don't think another group would waste their time translating something that is already being translated when there are so many other series to pick from that are dead
I have a question for you, why would you spill tea?