The Soulless Duchess

Jan 25, 2018
But aren't you both sniping from the authors anyway? I don't fully understand this "sniping" thing 😅 thank you both for the releases!
Oct 17, 2019
@kirasakura08 well sniping is when a Scanlation team starts translating a project which is already being scanned and translated ( and it is not a collab) by another team....
Jun 6, 2018
Hully the amount of people in here supporting the sniping is pretty sad. All the leechers here wanting them to colab and what not is just.... Whew. Guess no one really cares about tlers in the manga space.
Oct 31, 2019
I guess because no named groups translation is really quick that's why they have supporters.. but then again.. i have no idea what this snipping is about.. for readers i guess as long as the english is understandable we're good with quick updates am i wrong? If theres an update no matter who updates it it will bring joy to the readers
Jun 6, 2018
I'm a tler from the ln space but not sniping is like basic translation ediquette. The groups wanting to snip series just want to start drama or are thirsty for views so it's super frowned upon. Cuz yanno the groups are doing this for free out of passion but readers dont gaf and just want updates lmao. That's why I find it sad.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 29, 2018
This is just gonna be another one of those series where the original group drops their translation (cause they can divert resources to other projects) and the sniper group also eventually drops cause trolls.

Yeah, to the warp with these shenanigans.
May 24, 2019
Sniping aside, which is REALLY not cool when the original team has been putting SO MUCH effort into scantalating the series, I think the quality of DnA translations are a lot better too lol (kudos at your proofreader in particular—the sentences flow a lot better and generally there aren't any English mistakes). (I stare, for example, at "terrorist bomb" versus "terrorist bombing.")

Demand the no named group to drop the series. You can't just jump on board and steal it from another group when they've been working on it.
Sep 14, 2019
Not sniping works is basic etiquette. I'm not in a scans group but I am in one that does novels; the same etiquette applies there. DnA Scans has been putting in so much effort as well, it's just slapping them in the face by doing this.
I also think that DnA's translation is of a higher quality too. The sentences flow so much better and the dialogue reads like actual dialogue.
Feb 10, 2019
Oh great, looks like the original translators are now skipping chapters. Seems like we're getting stuck with the straight engrish machine translated translations now. Man, this nogroup really sucks. If you can't write basic sentences in English that make sense don't translate works to English. You aren't qualified.
Jan 25, 2018
There are some grammar mistakes, so I would suggest that you take a little more time to check the translation before uploading it.
Jun 18, 2019
Honestly, Devil and Angel Scans Group is better in translating and of course their work is very clean, but it's very hard waiting for the new chapter when we don't know when it will come. There's no schedule, no updates, nothing. Every time, we just wait not knowing anything. That's why it's easy to patronize the other group scans, because though it's not the best translation, it's the one available. I mean both groups are ripping of from author herself (how I wish Official English Versions were available for all the manhwas that I'm reading), so technically nobody has the right to stop the other group from translating.

It's not who comes first, it's who can supply the demand.

If both groups can come together or ignore each other (either way), readers can choose what they prefer. The two groups scanning and translating This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage Manhwa are existing without problem. I personally read both versions.

I don't get the issue here why you guys can't do the same. Based on some of my fellow readers' comments, it's about honor and who comes first, but there is no honor in thieves. The best that DnA group can do is to ignore the other group or drop this series (if you prefer being the ONLY group translating this). It's not a big issue. Everyone is just being dramatic.

By the way, this is in no way meant to insult the Devil and Angel Scans Group. They provide far superior in quality translations to the No Named Group, I'm just stating the reality of the situation. Thank you.
Active member
Jan 27, 2018
While I prefer DnA's translation, I feel both groups should be free to continue if they so wish, if you're confident in your own translation you should be able to go forward with it despite the situation; given your quality there's no doubt that many people will favor you and support you.

While the new group's speed will also give them readers, this doesn't mean that they'll stop following DnA, start a war over this will only cause division and trouble for everyone.
Jun 25, 2019
the amount of histrionics around this supposed sniping is so overblown it's really hard to take seriously. if you don't like NNG's translation, don't read it. no one is making you read it.
May 15, 2019
No-one cares if someone wants to translate a series while another group is also translating it, but what's happening is someone's running the original version through some clearly shitty machine translator, pumping it out as fast as they can, then whipping up everyone into stupid drama with "uguu we're just practising chant some phrase to show you like us~".

All this means is the groups that actually put time into redrawing, correct translation, and proofreading see less gratitude for the large amount of work they do because people already know what's going to happen (ish, some translation gaffes are pretty awful), and eventually they drop it because they're just wasting effort. Then, the machine translator, not affiliated as part of anything, can just drop it when they get bored of it and fade into nothing.

It's happened before, and knowing the general baseline level of autism in manga drama, it'll probably happen again.
Group Leader
Mar 19, 2019
Shit sucks when another group snipes your comic but honestly just keep going. A. They will tire out, B. People will read your release anyways, and C. Do it for yourselves. 😊

High quality work is always preferred over not. Long term, ppl will read the better translations and groups that are engaging. Don’t fret over it
Jan 24, 2018
Devil and Angel Scans Group, you should translate at your pace. People sniping are generally people without patience. They are motivated now but for how long? If they are truly doing it in order to improve their language then it will shown through their translation otherwise it will be obvious to all. And if you are intent on translating this serie from the beginning to the end be patient and do a good work.
Being angry will only embolden them especially when being a newcomer they will shortly stop their momentum.
Be patient it's a matter of days.
The winner will always be the steadiest one.

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