Thanks for the chapter. On the contrary, I think Tina would be suitable for a young girls name. Probably because I had a friend called Tina way back in the day.
@Warukyure it only feels long because we wait a month or so in between chapters if the group doing it doesn't eff off on us. really, the fight was 3 chapters so far with fodder, team up, and demon.
@HanabiMao Back in the day meaning it's an older name, I don't think many people if any name their kids Tina nowadays. Today most people named Tina about 40+ years old and this manga is end 2018/early 2019 modern.
seems like more people prefer Tina, although it feels old school and traditional I'll continue translating as Tina and read in my head as Teyna.
I like it either way. Previous translator might have misread the big "i" as small "i" so they read it as Tina. IMO Tina sounds like somebody who comes from the countryside while Tayna sounds like somebody who's from the city