The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 35

Dex-chan lover
Sep 17, 2019
From other works, I am guessing that she was a witch or an equivalent of them.

There was a passing about how witches lose their powers once they are no longer chaste or in some cases when they give birth.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 30, 2019
Ffs why do these kids always believe the outside party so much and not their own flesh and kin. Ok, I know they have their reasons to not believe them but come on.
Apr 22, 2020
I'm so tired of this whole misunderstanding situations. Even if someone tried to explain, they always only explain half the truth. What's wrong with explaining the whole truth in one go? It's so annoying.
Mar 2, 2020
i agree with @Akiyukichan, it's getting annoying really. it also bothers me that the kids (actual adults) trust a stranger more than their family member, they should know that stranger danger.
Jun 5, 2019
These people really be making some stupid decisions up here

For one, just cause someone says they have healing powers why would you just up and cut your hand?? Where the heck did the knife come out from too, does he just keep it laying around somewhere?

For two when people actually be trying to explain and give answers the twins don't even listen. Like for real, why they even asking if they not gonna listen? Why don't they be the ones who stop pretending to care about answers and just up and leave already?? They can wallow in their self pity and misunderstandings, they're the ones who don't want to change the situation.

Also why would they even put so much trust in Duke Rosea? Not only is he an outsider to their situation, they've only met him a handful of times. The only interaction they've basically had were greetings. It's not like his son has had a stellar impression on them either so what gives. Plus they know they are being targeted by assassins why do they not suspect the Duke at all especially with all the previous world knowledge they already have.

All in all-- situation has gone on for long enough, stop with the low iq and either resolve the misunderstandings already or just let the twins leave. One more dumb decision and I'll probably have to drop this, sigh.
Jul 9, 2020
I was on the Emperor's side until the whole "Hey I just assumed you were dead and never sent anyone to actually check on you even though your palace was turning into a dump but I really love you, honest" excuse. Even a toddler wouldn't fall for that.

Let's be real, he didn't care all that much at first. And that's okay. Manhwa has redeemed plenty of uncaring dads before.
Apr 22, 2020
@peachysid Absolutely. And they should know that other nobles outside their own blood family hate them to boot. I think even the most clueless children that have trust issues would be wary ESPECIALLY to those people outside their family.

Evenmore, the twins are supposedly have a rather mature soul & supposedly mature thinking. Which make their story so unrealistic. And very annoying.

Well, that's plot armor, I guess. All for the sake so that this story would have 'many problems' and 'doesn't end fast'.

Lol, sorry I'm salty.
Sep 6, 2019
I cannot with this story, I thought the misunderstandings would fuck right off but here we are back at square one
Oct 1, 2019
Welp I have lost all faith in the twins. This manwha started out pretty decent but now it’s a drama-attention mess...
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
@dearbambii Right ? It's really stupid considering they're actually over 20 years old. On top of that, they're meeting with the Duke while they know that bastard children are despised by all nobles.
Mar 19, 2019
Seriously, the moment Arjen mentioned “the emperor slept with Rurahel”, he should have just explain the whole truth rather than hiding it. And the twins, how can they trust outsiders better than their own blood-related family when they have only ever receive are warmth??? And when the second prince explain stuff, just listen! Can’t any of them communicate properly without hiding stuff ???
Oct 8, 2019
I just start this serie today and I just read some comments on the way... A bit harsh with our MCs. (some were well constructed and make me reflect on the story so thx you guys!).
Our MCs were 18 years old before their death, they were'nt adult, come on. More like big children. And then, they suffered 5 years of abuses. 5 hellish years. I think it's enough to break them mentally or make them "regress" into insecure frighten children.
The way the author presents it, made me forget sometimes the whole isekai thing. The twins are so focus on their present life, never really thinking about their previous life. I'm not sure if that isekai element was really necessary in the beginning.

Maybe I just overly ignored the isekai element and lack of a mature side in our MCs and enjoy the story. Because I quite understand why the twins behave the way they do. I think the trust issue is well done. I would have stop reading if the twins just accepted their new family in less than 2 month (idk how much time has passed until now). That would have been wayyy to easy. Still I get why it can be annoying to have all theses misunderstantings, and thoses back and forth.
Honestly, the way I see it, the twins are just two deeply hurted person trying to survive and to heal/move on. It's normal they push people away when they feel emotionally threaten. They do try to open up a bit (it's quite amazing they still hope) but it'll require time. A lot.

Still, I have some issue with the story. There are some plots conveniences. Like the twins didn't seemed to be suspicious of the Duke or his kid despite knowing how nobles are regarding bastards. But I also think that they use the duke to make the 2nd bro leave. Perfect excuse to cut the suffering (needing to cool down, to process and to be able to truly listen more). They jump on this, more than really welcoming him.
Also, the twins's guardien is an idiot. I don't understand yet why he didn't present himself to them. He just does the mysterious guy and that's all. Lame.

And there is their daddy. I understand better the man now. I think he exchanged one night against something important (like his family's lifes or else). And he was likely raped. Kind of pityful, seeing how he loved his wife... But, the way of Rurahel tricked him was really dumb. Why did he let an unkwon lady lick his hand?

Still, he let the twins with a non-human (I bet she's a witch or a demon) without doing much. Money, that all? I can't believe that an emperor cannot send a maid or a knight in disguise to infiltrate the castle/take care of the twins. Something.
IMO, they're right to hate the emperor. He wanted them dead and he didn't protect/care for them for five years. I bet a part of him was relieve when he thought they were dead. Urg. But I not against redeeming him but he has to earn it.
May 11, 2019
First of all, I haven't read any of the comments below me. I already know how they would feel about the twins.
First things first I am with them all the way through.
The father is honestly just not father material for me lol. He is so.... emotionless. He hides his own emotions to the point that everyone around them has to tell the twins how he really feels.
No matter how many sparkles they put on that screen to make them look apologetic they just don't know each other well. Whenever they sat at the dinner table it was so awkward because it was kind of like a reunion. Eating dinner with families can be fun and just relaxing. None of the brothers were there and the father is hella silent. Like??? Are you gonna talk about anything?? Tell stories about yourself. lol so awkward. It's like the father is just a man who happens to be an otome game character that came out of wedlock that doesn't know how to raise kids.
They never created genuine memories with their father. He is just like a sperm donor to them. I understand completely how they would feel.
They were also abused by their mother and the guy didn't even try to send letters secretly. Hell, he is the emperor or something right. Sneaking letters it would have worked at least.

Now the brothers I don't know how to feel about them. I mean they are young to just freakishly tall. It's not their fault or anything. And the twins (even though are reborn) are still pretty young in the mind i guess lol. They were abused so if anyone who hasn't been abused feels like they aren't acting right or they are being selfish brats. Then STFU. what do you know?
Fed-Kun's army
Nov 18, 2019
When Arjen speaks, he really speaks out. His question about abandonment really got me.

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