The Twin Siblings’ New Life - Ch. 36

Active member
Jun 4, 2019
I’m getting annoyed with this series. Aren’t the twins supposed to be reincarnation? Why are they so dumb and easily fooled?
Jan 25, 2019
I know the twins have gone through a lot of trauma but geez, I'm shaking my head in embarrassment from how foolish they are... they were in their late-teens before reincarnating right???
Jan 21, 2019
twins are actually getting dumber as it goes on. suspicious of literally your own father but not evil face duke with the son that has only talked shit??
wowwww another illegitimate child not like there were literally tons of them IN KOREA WHERE YOU PREVIOUSLY LIVED 20 YEARS
Mar 24, 2020
Thanks for the chapter!
The twins are supposed to have more mature minds, but they still are acting like children. I hope they change soon.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2019
Although I'm still looking forward to what happens, after thinking about it, I feel like what bugs me the most about this series isn't the foolish choices people make, but rather that none of the choices they make go anywhere. They say they'll do something shocking, but always back off at the last moment. They say they're going to leave, but then they change their mind. They say they're going to take down the bad guy, but then let him off.
Apr 23, 2020
This time I also think the behaviour is... more than just inappropriate for their circumstances and what they experienced in the (especially recent) past and how they dealt with similar situations. I still have hope that it will turn into the great story I expected, though.
Apr 6, 2018
Every time I read a series with reincarnation I always forget to throw away the idea that they carry over any emotional growth for their memories of their old world and might as well be blank slates unless plot for a chapter or 2. And here the plot calls for them to have the emotional resistance of a some dumbass brats that still can't seem to grasp what is going on even after being told about the contract and first hand experiences with their treatment by the emperor and princes
Apr 9, 2020
I can feel a lot of misunderstandings coming up.
Ishina's name most like came up because they're planning to use her as a red herring. While the princes waste their time investigating her the nobles are probably going to do some shady stuff (like sneaking their spies into Arjen and Arien's castle, maybe).
Also, the third prince is probably going to see the servant with the scar on his face, connect him with the guy the first prince told him about, beat him up, and incur the wrath and hatred of the twins.
Feb 4, 2018
Every time I read another chapter I get more disappointed for the twins stupidity , they believe everything that the count or other person says without having any doubt, if this keeps going on where the twins get more stupid every chapter I will drop this manhwa.
Jun 8, 2020
Look like reincarnation trope just poof & gone. Like ffs I get it they can't believe anyone but to easily trust that duke, if & when you have common sense would know those who are dangerous are the sly compliance one & not the loud brash kind (like those brats they met outside eiji's place before) when any politic is involved. The fact they were introduced to him by their dad & of all people rather trust him makes it even questionable cus why?????
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 25, 2018
Even if its a red herring that Ishina is involved, i hope she gets axed. She may be trying to redeem herself but lets not forget she also abused the twins. Theres 3 main things she did to them, first is the amount of "study" she gave them. It was so much that even the first prince was shocked, remember that the imperial family are all geniuses and stupidly talented. When someone like that is shocked by the amount of study you know something is wrong. Second is she reduced the amount of guards despite the fact the whole noblility hates half bloods. If anything there should have been more guards. Finally is the fact she was "teaching" them etiquette. As members of the imperial family the only people they need to use polite speech with is the emperor and first Prince, yet she never corrects them treating her like shes of higher rank. When the emperor noticed this he straight up fired her, the person that help raise him, thats how bad that was seen.

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