Man he should suffer even more than this, i must admit it was quite well framed i almost believe it wasnt his fault, his only grace is that he took the kids complaints like a champ but i guess thats the least you could do when you're an useless parent like this.
Honestly the story is ok... but i think im gonna drop it, its just not what i was expecting, maybe because im a sucker for revenge stories and i dont see enough karma falling where it should, too many hateful people and not many brutal executions or deaths, the emperor is quite unsympathetic so it just doesnt have the same effect as... other manwha/manga, where you root for the child to forgive the father even if you were, at the beggining praying for his/her death or thinking things like too little too late, realizing that the parent is just a flawed human that made a mistake and wants to make ammends, i just saw that here for a second when the twins were laying it as it was but... then poof we back to square 1 again and it doesnt feels like anything changed.
Maybe this is a problem of too many characters too little focus, maybe its the fact theyre like the 5th prince/princess, everything is too deluted to matter, its quite interesting to wonder why it feels like it won the battle (episode was great) but lost the war (nothing really changed theyre all still useless) and i wonder if it wouldve had a more lasting effect if they wouldve exagerated the parent's misery or yearning instead of the siblings.