The Twin Siblings' New Life - Ch. 6

Jan 7, 2020
I think a father-child relationship isn't off the books for this story, but it sure as hell shouldn't happen immediately. I vaguely get the emperor's decision to ignore the twins so that he doesn't get emotionally attached and therefore gains a weakness that can be exploited but like. Dude. Don't be so fucking wishy washy about it. Either treat them like your kids or ignore them entirely, none of this "abandon them to their shitty mom for five years and then decide to raise them in the palace" garbage

tbh the dude should've just killed Rurahel and raised the kids in the palace, if he a) didn't want Rurahel to worm her way into the palace and b) didn't want the kids to die or get mistreated. He's not unsalvageable as a dad, but he is a neglectful, incompetent dumbass
Dex-chan lover
Jul 9, 2019
Hopefully they will delve more into this path. Of course forgiveness for abuse isn't and should be easily achieved, if ever, especially child abuse.

He is barely a step below that via child negligence. But that doesn't excuse anything.

He should have been more proactive, and he didn't, and I do hope they delve into his realisation of that fact and how he will try to work for making their life better.

Not forgiveness, since a parent like this doesn't deserve it, but to make their life as rich and happy as they can be without expecting forgiveness (and later on, it is their, the children's prerogative whether they can see it in themselves to forgive him, or at least make amends)
Dex-chan lover
Mar 8, 2020
*holding a knife between the emperor and the twins* youre on THIN ICE, CHILD NEGLECTOR
Aug 19, 2020
Honestly I really dont see myself forgiving this dumbass of an emperor no matter how sad of a backstory he gets, or even if the author sets him up to look like a great father later on
Nov 25, 2019
No matter how much you redeem yourself forgiving you is unacceptable young majesty
Jul 11, 2019
The reason we are expected to forgive the father is that this is written from the perspective of someone from the east. Physical and emotional abuse is just the norm in Asian parenting.
Apr 20, 2019
ah fuck off its always "I know I was a shitty parent but I really cared so lets forget all the neglect and abuse" every fucking time with these emperor stories
Nov 14, 2020
Wow! I mean, questioning yourself if you did the right thing?? Hello!!!! You left them dying, at least have some sense that you visit them even once a year or once a month would suffice your worth as a father.. but you can't even do that? You have no right to be concerned, they were planning to run away from you since Rurahel died. jeeezzz... I'm hating this emperor now.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 23, 2020
Oh bullshit, go fuck yourself you shitty prince. You are the fucking emperor of a whole goddamn country, your authority has limitless power in that country and you could easily have that woman assassinated and then take the kids and raise them yourself. Such a bullshit sympathy story, you're just a fucking asshole because you couldn't step out of your reputation for once and help two innocent children. Fuck yourself prince.
Feb 25, 2021
@dkdumpling he *is* the Emperor of a whole goddamn country as you've said. But you seem to think he's a deity. He's not omnipotent he just controls a LARGE territory. However the problem with that? You have a shitton more enemies than allies. Because the problem that comes with being a Ruler is that people will think they are doing things "for your own good" out of their own idea of being loyal to you. "The Emperor can't have a weakness so we must kill these illegitimate trashes before they could affect the rule of our glorious leader!" <-- that is not the statement of a person who hates the Emperor. That is a person with misguided loyalty. They are MUCH harder to just "get rid of" because technically they aren't exposing malicious intent towards the crown they are just following the "Policies of the past" Yes the Emperor can say that the policies are changed but it's easy to "say" shit it's the IMPLEMENTATION that makes it a pain in the ass. It takes a lot more effort to change a person's heart than just saying "this is how we're going it now because I said so"

@idelvice assassinating the psycho bitch would have been a good idea.. if but for the fact that it would tip off the entire world "HEY THESE KIDS ARE THE EMPEROR'S WEAK POINT. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY TRY TO KIDNAP THEM" and the only way he would be able to keep them 100% safe is to lock them in a room that they could never leave. Forever. Plus we don't even know the terms of the contract and considering magic is in this world. I am 100% certain that contract was literally a "binding" one that ensured his compliance regardless of the situation.
By visiting them he makes them a target. And in future chapters we'll see how quick that becomes a relevant and legitimate concern of his but I won't spoil it. But the fact of the matter is that by giving them ANY attention it would have made them a high value target and again they will explain a LOT more about the Emperor's "bloodline" and it's "unique" effects later. Besides he had no idea their mother was going to be a scummy bitch who neglected her children. He thought that she would at least take care of them if only because *she* needs them to survive to have leverage on *him*. It's not necessarily a wrong opinion. He had no idea she was mentally unstable.

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