Wonder if she’ll be made undead. A couple chapters ago End made a deal with her but whispered what he could do for her in return so we don’t know what it is.
There is nothing stopping her from being reborn as an undead. I can't imagine End hasn't been studying necromancy himself at this point, if only to better know how to counter his master.
I get it’s just a circumstance of risk and reward for the knights but i wish slave girl didn’t die... maybe she’ll get revived when End becomes a vampire. (Doubt it cause that would make this little exchange pointless if she get’s revived not even a day after)
@G0D14 They don't know how strong she is. As one of the other knights was saying, a knight of demise was devoured after a slave they saved turned into a monster.
They're up against a necromancer and its minions, so its better to shoot from a distance than let her get close and suddenly rip them apart.