Y Yuruginaii Member Joined Mar 28, 2019 Messages 65 Sep 24, 2020 #4 So did he do it with his daughter?
Loonila205 Member Joined Apr 12, 2020 Messages 193 Sep 24, 2020 #5 I hope neither of them dies. I really like the "old man" and the spear guy has a kid... Sometimes writers really like to pull a sudden death trope, just because they're strong doesn't mean they can't die 😕
I hope neither of them dies. I really like the "old man" and the spear guy has a kid... Sometimes writers really like to pull a sudden death trope, just because they're strong doesn't mean they can't die 😕
H Hunagi Joined Jul 5, 2020 Messages 7 Sep 24, 2020 #6 Suspicious feeling Poison guy is gonna take the kid as hostage or something.
M mangapremfruf Member Joined May 18, 2020 Messages 94 Sep 29, 2020 #9 don't touch me or my son ever again
Emallene Member Joined May 11, 2019 Messages 164 Oct 7, 2020 #10 omg i cannot! im.... lmao. Why is evryone sweating and like Oh NO we cant touch this person. and OH MY this PeRsOn is hErE. omg lol xD
omg i cannot! im.... lmao. Why is evryone sweating and like Oh NO we cant touch this person. and OH MY this PeRsOn is hErE. omg lol xD