Let us all stop and think 1st, 400 years have passed and that is not a short time but remember that she is a distant relative, I want to think you all know what a distant relative actually is...
at least buy her some clothes you piece of shit of a man.
High end resto always have dress code, fking swine
And then here comes the forced fking cliche "nobles getting offended by dirty slave in high end place"
because MC doesn't have the mind of a grown adult... oh wait he does, THREE lifetimes even.
He is rich but he cant even buy clothes for his slave, the half-vampire girl is probably in love with him, and is waiting for him to comeback So she can give her virginity to him like some reincarnation manga then blah blah then he gets a harem.plot is common but is good
@lolipedofin shes not a descendant just a distant relative,so probably from merlin's cousins,also this is probably like most reincarnation manga where the student waits for him to comeback(not that she knows of his reincarnation power)and give her virginity to him.
She is dirty and underdressed for a high end restaurant the reactions he is going to get from people are naturally it’s not because they’re dicks. This is stupid coming a country that is known for being xenophobic and rule loving.
Thanks for the chapter!
That censourship in the last part of this chapter... Man, i feel it will only be worse from now on, with any scene with Anastasia...
I wish i could find the raws, but no luck to me...
@Anish_Agarwal yeah i delayed reading it too cause it didnt suit me tbh,it was just a teacher reincarnating and his virgin student has been preparing all this time to give her virginity lol,and some stuff about the decaying of magic.which is practically the same with this manga .
@johnpoop2529, no use waiting for someone who's died, she wouldn't keep herself a virgin for someone who died and didn't know he would get reincarnated.