The Villainess Is Adored by the Crown Prince of the Neighboring Kingdom

Jul 16, 2019
so like,, is this gonna end soon? i'm tired of it lmao this was always a lower tier reincarnation manga imo but at this point i'm too bored to stay invested :/
May 31, 2019
Hate Akari or whatever but her being an opposing force made this manga interesting. This got bland quick after she got her happy ending and the sequel plot is just dragging. They told the story they needed to tell, and now they're just adding too many fillers characters that are enamoured by FL and thats the only trait they have. There's no major conflict and even the resolution of FL's inner struggle was magically resolved by throwing herself with pastries. She has no charm or any notable personality going for her and I can't fall in love with her as a character because I've seen her type over a hundred different shoujo mangas I've read already. The cutesy fluff isn't well earned, and it tends to be nauseating because I haven't invested myself on the main characters. I'd recommend this manga if its your first time discovering shoujo and reverse harem or just trying to fill whatever shoujo void you have but there are better ones out there.
Apr 17, 2020
So much hate on Tiara with how she acted for the most part but when you go back and think about it..
she was just cast away for no reason at all, then learning that she gets dragged into the same position she got out of except now with aqua... it makes sense to be paranoid atleast in my opinion
just hope it does not drag too much haha
May 23, 2020
It's cute, but I do hope that it's winding down soon... it feels like they told all there was to tell.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 19, 2020
Ugh. It started SO nicely. Like really.
The problems that led this to go from a solid 8 to a 5 is simple : Akari.
Or the lack ,in the later chapters of a real antagonist
Really, when the "ArcAri" came to an end, everything was about Tiara's worries about Prince Aqua and damn... It was already a bit boring because of "Standard Shoujo Romance things sounds" and technically, it was justified since she already experienced being left behind and needed something to help her Carry on.
But... Meh. Just meh. When you realised that the whole plot was carried by Akari, that she was and STILL IS one of (if not the only) the most important character within the story to the point when YOU HOPE that she'll appear and give us some fun interactions, it shows that the story already made a full circle.

Actually, the Isekai part was a bit well handled at the start with both Taira and Akari. It felt good, original and interesting... But DAMN, after that, suddenly you need to take too much Insulin and it makes you throw up and after that, generic Shoujo romance with nothing really interesting anymore.
Like really. Frankly speaking, it's just "Trying the Otome Isekai formula with standard Shoujo stuff WITHOUT putting in any real efforts."

But anyway... It's probably because I already read a lot of Shoujo and Isekai kind of Manga.
So yeah.

Tl;dr : Excellent start, boring development, interesting Akari, nothing else really stands out.
The sequel game part feels like an unfinished, half-a$$ed Dlc that was just some sort promise from the devs while they weren't expecting any success.
I'll let those that like it read it.
Aug 2, 2020
this is what actually mean, it's too shoujo and kinda weird.
2nd dude appears on like the 20th chapter, with no warning at all.
sorry about that guys.
Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Jan 18, 2018

Given that they felt it was a detracting point... probably starts with a misunderstanding of what feminism is. >_> Unless they're really fundamentally against gender equality, of course. Or those quote-marks were doing a lot of work...

Having said that I would never have accused what I've read of this manga of feminism in particular...
In the second chapter, the protagonist suddenly violently swooning at the drop of a hat over the "prince from another country" coming to her "rescue", before he'd even really done anything useful, when she up 'till then she'd been doing pretty well independently, has definite feel of "you need a man to save you"
and stuff along those lines, left such a bad taste in my mouth I couldn't get very far in the series. I tried re-reading it just now on the theory that it can't have been as bad as I remembered, but it totally is that awful XD

(That said I accordingly have no idea what happened in the later chapters the OP was referring to, mind)
Jun 5, 2019
@Sadogdogsad i don't think you know what the word 'feminist' means? the story is a pretty traditional shoujo, but there's nothing inherently feminist about the reverse harem narrative, and especially not with this story's plot itself. but if your complaint is that the story is turning into a reverse harem (which we don't quite know if it is, but i'm also pretty sure tiara only ends up with aqua, so...) and that having a main character being liked by multiple men is "feminist" then i think the "i'm an adult virgin" meme applies pretty well here.
Apr 25, 2020
Started off interesting but imo the story should’ve ended once they went to the other country because everything after that just felt too forced for the sake of having SOME kind of conflict— which Tiara resolves by being in distress, baking and going to sleep while the men fight over her. The only time she does anything active is when she goes “hey you two stop fighting >:|”
Oct 9, 2019
@Sadogdogsad LMAO, what the heck do you think feminism is? This story is the complete opposite of anything feminism stands for. The protagonist is always getting saved by the ML or getting stolen by other dudes, everything about her has to be soft and cute and floral, her whole happiness is centered on getting married, etc etc etc.

It's a fun story, that's why I'm still reading it, but saying this has a "feminist vibe" is the weirdest way to describe it, ever, lol.
May 23, 2020
Whoops, Atari you just had the opposite effect on the ocean girl. Oh well, forced conflict it may be but I hope something interesting happens soon.
Jun 23, 2020
Hm...I don't even see this gal as a threat to Tiara but of course in this manga there's always a forced conflict 😂 We'll see how it goes
Fed-Kun's army
May 5, 2018
If you hate weak and helpless innocent protagonist, then this manga isn't for you.
Mar 1, 2018
Started as "tiara with our world knowledge" to "our world person with tiaras knowledge"

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