The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 32

Jun 28, 2020
It's endearing how hard Tia works to protect Cedric's innocence while aggressively corrupting and suborning everyone else she can get her hands on into her schemes.
Active member
Feb 1, 2020
I have no other words than GAWD DAYUM!

Also @Roxymissy could you even BEGIN to imagine the havoc Tia would cause with Aria's Hourglass??? 🤣
Group Leader
Jul 19, 2019
Poor Credic got left in the dark again while his fiancee are out for blood. Take care of her her Credic.
Active member
Jan 25, 2018
Tia is becoming more and more of a villain.

I hope she accepts Duke Evron's love and relaxes. Otherwise, a second bad end is on its way. People typically can't love those who spurn their love and do evil.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 13, 2019
Big promises, looking forward to seeing the king get laid out.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 23, 2018
You know, no wonder Cedric is worried about her. We all know she is willing to dirty her hand for her mission because it was taught and the only thing she knows. Never once she thinks about herself.
I applause her as villainess, but I have my concern for her.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 27, 2020
honestly i find comments saying they dislike tia so funny bc here we have a real villainess character LOL... most other villainess reincarnation stories are like let me amend my ways... let me be sweet... let me basically become the main character... i find this path a lot more fun ^^ one thing i wish tia wld do is be honest with cedric tho omg... like i love that he loves her and trusts her decisions w/o rlly knowing anything but if he loved her KNOWING all her faults and knowing how cunning and ruthless she is this would be like... #1 couple very knight x princess esque pairing
Group Leader
Nov 7, 2019
Everyone is saying she's turning to a villan but to me she's a reverse villain. Look at the bigger picture. Everything she's doing is ultimately for the good of the kingdom to not suffer under her brother. She's just super smart and has a lot of tactic that are
typically considered as villaines traits.
Jun 28, 2020
@yannickq, the way I read it is that the Feschers and their ancestors were for the Empress and her ancestors what Tia was for Lawrence in the previous timeline and for Cedric in the current one: their spymasters and fixers---who guard the imperial family from the shadows. Their ownership of St Olga's Heart symbolises this role.

In the present generation, the Feschers "lost" badly to (probably) Gregor---a crown prince by adoption---who succeeded in having the Empress's children assassinated, and they hung themselves in shame---or perhaps were hanged. This left the Empress without eyes and ears, trapped in her palace, so Tia, St Olga's Heart, and Cedric only really came to her attention after she read about it in a newspaper---when Tia's beating and Cedric's rescuing of her, along with the human trafficking bust, made headlines. Thus, Tia got her audience.

When Tia gives St Olga's Heart back to the Empress, the Empress first assumes that it is merely a naive, ingenuous gesture, gifting the empress her deceased friend's jewellery. Thus, the diamond in question has no meaning in Tia's hands---so the Empress thinks---and there is nothing to it. In fact, in Empress's hands, it represents Empress's own failure to protect her children and her loyal servants.

Then, Tia shows that she understands the significance of the Feschers and the meaning behind the St Olga's Heart and offers to take their place. Cedric understands some of this---though he was probably too young and isolated from capital affairs to know about much of the background. Tia then sends Cedric away, so he isn't there when she and the Empress plot treason.

Does this sound right?
Jun 28, 2020
@sugarcake, knight x princess indeed, but Tia is the protective knight, and Cedric is the innocent princess. 😁
@BearClaws, reminds me of this short poem, which is very fitting for this whole manhwa:
Treason doth never prosper,
What's the reason?
For if it prosper,
None dare call it Treason.
John Harington (1561-1612)​
Apr 5, 2019
I really don't understand why people dislike Tia. She is an actual villainess doing... villainous things. However, unlike normal villains, she does it for the greater good of the kingdom. For the people...
Maybe I have villainous tendencies, but I am truly unbothered by her methods.
Oct 13, 2019
Y'all hating on Tia are just snowflakes who like cookie cutter villainess. Tia is smart and doing things to make change for a better future, not just for herself but for the kingdom. Her actions are calculated and justified.

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