The Villainess Lives Again

Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019
So, a mediocre Chinese webnovel plot with a typical, pseudo-European Korean webcomic?! With a ridiculous title too. But we are getting desensitized about these, aren't we now?!

Bravo. Taking two mediocre concepts and making a doubly mediocre webcomic out if. I am impressed with Korean innovation. And of course, the name of the characters. If they do not make you choke, you would most probably be able to stomach surströmming. No need to read this really, guys. You already know the plot. It is no different than the plot of virtually every other Korean webcomic you have read.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Oh great ANOTHER villainess' story. I get that people use some tropes in their stories, but this stuff just looks like somebody left a photocopier running for a night and end up with millions copies of the same webcomic and just changed names of charactes on a identical pseudo European noble survival drama . Seriously somebody reads them?
Nov 28, 2019
I mean, there's always a twist within the Korean webtoon that makes it more interesting. And it's great to see the artwork that they provide for us. It's always nice to see the different kinds of protagonists and antagonists as well.

If you're angry with how it turned out, you don't have to complain in the comment section about how the stories are so similar, but instead read something you prefer? There's really no use of hating a comic that you could simply ignore.

I don't mean to offend anyone. I'm just stating an obvious fact.
Group Leader
Jul 15, 2019

Are you single, because I think I might have a diamond ring lying around. I felt my heart skip a beat when I read your scathing, sarcastic remarks. And that photocopier analogy was brilliant.

No, but honestly, this is repetition ad nauseam. And the horror of it all is that this industrialized mass production is stifling true talent because readers are smothered in these copies of copies of copies. So in the end they lose the ability to read something that would jump out of the mold. It is much more difficult for someone who reads "Twilight" to read "Persuasion" than it is for someone who reads "Persuasion" to read "Twilight". Good work gets diluted in this sea of clones.

And now other readers try to silence us on the comment thread. Because of course, we are not allowed to comment a work on a comment thread! Comment threads are only for people who enjoy a work to continue perpetuating this myth that everyone likes this type of webcomics and that there is no place for a nay-sayer.
Mar 23, 2020
i don't know the plot seems dumb. She first raises one dude to be emperor, dude betrays her after she completes her task, she goes the do over thing and instead raises another dude to be emperor.

Why would she be okay with doing the same thing? The dude that supposed to be blood tied to her, screwed her over, so how can she trust another dude not to do the same thing?
If she doesn't get screwed over a 2nd time, I'm going to be disappointed.
May 3, 2020
What is up with Asians and the complete lack of originality in their stories. I just don't fucking get it. I understand tropes, and I understand trends, but fuck me, now I just see "villainess" fucking everywhere. Isekai made me heavily aware of it, and now I guess this is one of the next trends these idiots are going to jump on, because they see a couple series getting popular. I guess its just that theres such a low bar for publication that all of this trash manages to get through.
Aug 28, 2019
I address negative people in the comments, what is your problem ???
First, you don't have to tell us what to read LMAO, and if you don't like this webnovel, IGNORE IT? Why do you have to come and spill your negativity and hatred for webcomics you don't like in the comment section? What is your goal? NO ONE OBLIGATES YOU TO READ IT, HAVE A LITTLE RESPECT FOR THE TRANSLATION TEAM THAT PROVIDES A LARGE WORK TO LET US READ FULL NEW WEBNOVELS EVERY TIME
I don't understand lol, do you feel compelled to come and talk badly about web novels that you don't like here? You just have to go your way
Apr 13, 2018
Well the jump back time start at chapter 3 so..... Just wait
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Well this is the general comment section. I didn't write any comments on the page for a particular chapter, spam it with multiple posts or I wasn't rude. I assume this one is for anything that is connected with the webcomic so basically I am utilizing it correctly, not everything needs to be positive. Also where somebody was disrespectful for the translation team?

Don't get me wrong small portion of villainess' stories are good, especially when they do something more with the theme, hell even my avatar is from one of them. Unfortunately, the majority have almost identical stories with just minuscule change that overall don't matter and are quickly forgotten after maybe 15 - 20 chapters. It's just wasted effort for everybody, that also bury the good stories under the pile of copycats.

If somebody enjoys eating the same meal everyday, kudos to them for me it's just mindboggling.

Oh my, good sir, you made my blush!
Aggregator gang
Jul 19, 2018
Idk why it's so damn easy to find annoying jobless weebs on internet lol no offense but they disgust me so much esp those who write a whole essay after only reading 1 chapter
Active member
Apr 18, 2018
I understand tropes, and I understand trends, but fuck me, now I just see "villainess" fucking everywhere. Isekai made me heavily aware of it, and now I guess this is one of the next trends these idiots are going to jump on...
This is the reason why Isekai is bad news. Following the trend is not always a good idea because there is only increasing hype but empty plots. I myself still think normal (pure) fantasy is much better because there is a challenge for the author to create their own world. Not with the same scene, the same sentence, the same itching to pair the main couple. The pattern is too clearly visible and predictable. This also applies to manga, but the difference is they have more variations (not only themes) on their sleeves. So if there are authors who can bring a different sensation, really, for me, they are like an existence that only appears in thousand years.

...those who write a whole essay after only reading 1 chapter
Ouch, I feel offended. I rarely make verdict directly but I like giving arguments.

Anyway, the first chapter is nothing special. I agree with the others that the concept sounds dumb.
Apr 29, 2019
I don't understand the people who drop a "this plot/concept is dumb" comment. Did you not read the synopsis before reading? The title also gives you everything you need to know. If you are tired of the villainess trope, you do not have to read it. Bashing on a work is just back-handedly insulting the people who worked hard to translate and redraw, etc. Get some tact and common sense before you go around spreading your shit.

"Oh, it's just the same thing over and over again."

And? People like this trope and enjoy reading it. You obviously don't, but again... what lured you to the comment section to drop your unnecessary and unwanted negativity? "Oh, what, this comic is titled, 'The Villainess Lives Twice' AND IT'S ABOUT THE VILLAINESS TROPE? PREDICTABLE GARBAGE." Nice observation. Do you want us to praise you for your intelligence?

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