The Villainess Turns the Hourglass

Jul 10, 2020
I'm lovin' this! I'm really interested in the white hair guy on the cover, wonder what he'll be doing. Kind of glad I picked this up again.
Aggregator gang
Apr 27, 2018
in alot of webcomics, these "beautiful" characters aren't shown that well with the art. This one's art is very top-tier and actually makes MC looks fucking amazing though IMO. Everytime the author/artist have people say something along the lines of "oh she's beautiful" i can actually see it.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
53 chapters in and I'm still wondering who the heck is the white haired guy on the cover
Mar 18, 2019

It's up to personal taste.
If you like revenge stories but find them to repetitive due to the protagonist being completely off their rocker or still being morally superior due to how vile the opposition is you might find this more enjoyable as the MC is far from a hero and even admits she was and in some ways still is just as vile as the people she is getting revenge on.
though watching her develop from a villain protagonist to an anti-hero protagonist to a more moral and heroic character over the course of the series is pretty satisfying in it's own way

The art is also very well done and the outfits the characters wear (especially the dresses) are very pretty and well done.

I highly recommend this and would recommend binging it.
Aug 25, 2020
i just finished.... i have no regrets... BUT THAT JUST MADE ME CRAVE FOR MORE UIYWEGFHIUQ when will the next chapter be out
Mar 18, 2019

It's hard to say due to the pace the webtoon is going at now, but if you dont mind spoilers for things coming up....
He is introduced when Asher takes Aria to the neighboring kingdom to give her an alibi when Mielle tries to frame her for an attempted murder

Depending how long it takes for
the trial against Emma and her execution go I could see his introduction in about 7-10 chapters or so.
Jan 28, 2020
I've been holding back to read this after I read the prologue a long time ago, because I thought its just another boring villain goes back in time and tries to get revenge but was so kind to even hurt a fly that everybody around her did the deed for her to get the revenge.


It's a true revenge story and I love how she uses people, how her trauma is still evident and was not brushed off after just a few panels and one motivational speech from the ML (So sick and tired of this kind of BS of other authors trying to pass off trauma as something that can easily be forgotten with just that).

It's also not the type of story where she's basically an omipotent that makes every situtation agree to her, she still fails and faces mistakes. And for me I love that part a lot

Overall a really good revenge story. Not gonna lie I had zero expectations and now I'm 7 hours deep because of binge reading it and now I am questioning how the hell am I supposed to do my part time work and school works

PS. dear cain/kain
You're fucking disgusting man. All the scenes of him showing interest irks me and I'm afraid it might be raising some flags of him creeping into her and sexually harassing her.

For the love of all things holy I hope not.

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