This manga is definitely more full of bullshit than even, and the pace is really irritating.I liked this book better when it was about making comfy beds.
Thanks for the chapter!
I have a feeling this will become an unnecessary sacrifice.
I also think that the more they try to hold Relius back, the slower they will be able to figure out how the blue stones work, and how to use it properly.
Of course, this is manga 101: "if only you let the main character do their job, this would be resolved way faster with way less losses. But DRAMA OH DRAMA"Who wants to bet that her sacrifice will do jack shit?
It's a trend I've seen in lots of books and anime, I think I first saw it in log horizon, where they setup a world, ideas, and characters, and then in the second season/arc, they decide they want things to get serious, so they introduce the "real" villains or threat. It can work, but most of the time the tone of the book/show changes so much, I feel it loses everything that made me actually like the book in the first place.This manga is definitely more full of bullshit than even, and the pace is really irritating.
Of course, this is manga 101: "if only you let the main character do their job, this would be resolved way faster with way less losses. But DRAMA OH DRAMA"
expecting a bed artisan into saving the world is probably too muchI liked this book better when it was about making comfy beds.