This is one of the most surprising manga I've ever read, and I mean that in a very good way. What starts off seeming like a gag manga turns into a touching (but still funny) examination of love, gender identity, loyalty, friendship, prejudice, tolerance... I could go on. It doesn't forcefeed it to you, but if you have ever felt like who you want to be isn't who other people expect you to be (and really, who of us hasn't felt that) then at least something in this will probably pluck a few heartstrings. Meanwhile, plenty of guffaws to be had, and some decent action, too!
Oh, and if you tried to chart the potential love interests you'd need a flow chart. A big one. If you're into that sort of thing.
(P.S. There used to be quite a few more chapters up but 50+ have up and disappeared recently. Not sure why. Oh well)