This Doesn't Feel Like Me

Jun 21, 2018
@darkblader656 Spoiler contains a summary for all the remaining chapters. Beware.
So the stepmom leaves, the mc moves out and red is no longer together with the dad. What happens is that red was ugly and got talked shit to by dead mom who turns out to be a stepmom too. Dead stepmom had given birth to fmc stepmom but abandoned her at the atore where red lived so they were raised as sisters. After red is talked shit to she goes with ugly man to cause harm to dead stepmom, dead stepmom is cheating on dad btw. Before she dies idk what she wanted to tell mc but w/e. So fmc stepmom is the real daugther of dead stepmom and mc mom is never revealed i dont think. After 5 months mc and red are shown working together where mc looks homeless, after work they all get drunk and mc gets too fucked up so red is forced to bring him home. When mc wakes up he starts groping red cause he thought it was fmc stepmom and red lets herself cause she imagines it’s mc father. When she comes to she starts beating him but after a while she says whatever and fucks mc with mc doing his trademakr ripping of the tights. He goes and looks for a job and some poor girl is getting groped by her boss when mc shows up and asks for a job with some things happening revealing the girl is a virgin and is putting up with the harassment cause of siblings she has to raise and take care of. After saving her she takes him home buy on the way she stops at a market where fmc stepmom is working at and they kind of recognize each other but poor girl drags him away embarrassed after fmc stepmom says they make a cute couple or something like that, when they get home they talk and he basically kind of seduces her by saying he wants to find a place ro return to and stay. She finds it appealing cause she wants to find someone to settle down with. Mc takes her virginity and after they fuck more times the same day she kind of starts talking about how she likes him or something and she starts cooking for him. When she grabs the weirdly shaped cucumber he remembers mc stepmom and goes out to meet her. Meanwhile fmc stepmom goes to talk to red because mc father asked her to check up on red since mc father isn’t together with anyone. She shows up and sees ripped tights and red gets embarrassed they talk and she says she is pregnant with mc’s kid and kind of implying she was a virgin until she hooked up with mc, during this whole time glasses is looking for mc and finds out that red might know since she took him home after drinking. Glasses shows up to red’s apartment while fmc stepmom is there and he says he knows that she worked with mc, because of what glasses says fmc stepmom puts it together with tights and everything said and realizes that red fucked mc, when fmc stepmom asks why glasses is looking for mc he says that mc got girlfriend pregnant and she wants to talk to him. After glasses leaves red says she didn’t know mc was mc so she apologizes, fmc stepmom says she should be careful to not get pregnant too, she is showing signs of jealousy since glasses talked about girlfriend pregnancy and throughout this conversation. When fmc stepmom leaves, glasses follows her to the market where she sees mc, she drags mc inside warning him that they are both in danger, when inside mc forces himself on her saying he missed her and loved her where she basically gets angry and said n jut used him. Mc gets angry at the comment so he starts just going crazy on her. Glasses walks in and starts telling him about girlfriend pregnant, fmc stepmom says she feels bad for girlfriend cause the dad is so shitty making mc kind of look lost, glasses drops hints of fmc stepmom being pregnant to mc during this and she just talks shit to mc. Mc goes with glasses to meet up with girlfriend. During this time, poor girl is shown feeding her siblings womdering about mc. (Author is asshole for adding her cause she basically falls in love with mc, gives him her virginity then is shown to just be sad and never talked anout again). When he talks with girlfriend where she reveals she is not pregnant she just wanted to mert him and knew he would show up if he thought she was pregnant, he starts touching her because he says she obviously wants him since she wanted to mert him and she gets angry and she says whatever just do it. Mc starts talking mad shit to her about how he hates women like her who fuck assholes like him and just verbally wrecks her. She starts crying and he leaves meeting glasses outside where it is revealed that glasses told him to make sure to break her heart so she never wants to meet him again. Mc asks glasses what he should do showing he feels regret for lying to girlfriend about everything including telling her he loved her in the beginning. Then another timeskip of like another 6 months red is shown to be living with mc father and they talk about how the police haven’t said anything cause mc father filed missing persons report for mc. Mc is shown to be talking to editor who tells him his manwha is going to be published and he signs a contract for some good money and decided to go home. He knocks on the door and some lady answers, he tells her that this is where his dad lived and she says he doesn’t anymore but that the previous owners left a message to the guy who would show up saying that, the door opens and its fmc stepmom who knew it was mc knocking and kind of welcomes him with mc showing disbelief in his face. She asks him if she wants to meet his kid and then it ends. Nothing else is revealed about his mom or dead stepmom, and the one that fucks me up is that nothing is said about poor girl, I wanted him to end up with her. So basically girlfriend wasn’t pregnant and glasses just wanted her to forget mc. The end
Jan 19, 2018
I don't get what's the appeal in making a 20-year-old man have the mind of a 13-year-old kid? It's so damn stupid...
Feb 1, 2018
Honestly, take out the bs drama. The author had some really good character dynamics between Joon-Wii and Yoon-Ji. Also the father and stepmom. But, it's like they have to throw in drama for a story.

Sucks, could've been a good story about a father and son healing their wounds.
Nov 23, 2018
Why it's no chapters on this page, but i still can find direct link from google? :D
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Jun 27, 2018
Aren't you gravely mistaken here? The previous woman his father was married to was not his real mother but also his stepmother. There is a flashback to a scene that kinda traumatized him in his early childhood where he walked in on them having sex and she invited him to have sex with her,too. When his father disagreed, she said that they do not share a drop of blood, so it would be ok.
If I got it right, she was the mother of his new stepmother who abandoned her because she was only 14 when she had her.
This in turn means that, while his father had sex with the daughter of his former wife, his son is basically her stepbrother,
so it's not forbidden for them to have a relationship with each other.
Active member
Apr 29, 2018
so we know there are 50 chapters we just need someone to release the rest of em.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
It’s a bit cheesy for a “h” but it’s got this cute charm without having the usual cringe
Aug 6, 2018
I last read this ages ago.


It went from crazy to something straight outta fuckin madhouse. This is why porn shouldn’t have such a complex story, because the story always ends up getting fucked up.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2018
read the last 2 chapters:


MC gets cuck by glasses dude (rip mc x gf), sister of stepmom gets on with mc dad, stepmom lives in their old apartment where it all started and mc goes back there and they all live happily ever after.

MC didnt grow a pair of balls in 51 chapters lol.

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