@Tabitha that's okay, thank you for apologizing! slang can be very complicated even when in the same language, depending on the region it is being spoken, so i can understand the confusion. i very much appreciate your apology. 😄
to be honest i can't speak for xeredge's comment; i didn't even see it before my initial "fuck her up" comment. from the wording it does sound like they mean it sexually, because there's no "up" on that statement. at face value i would assume they do mean rape, but as i was misunderstood, i hesitate to just come out and say "yeah that is exactly what they meant"... but yes, to summarize, "fuck" can be used in different ways, "fuck up" means to beat, physically or otherwise. for example, the phrase "get fucked" doesn't actually mean "get raped" or anything, people can use it during games, for example, when you're viciously beating someone. like "ha! get fucked." oh dear i'm getting way too deep into this... i found
this site that explains more phrases with the word, but it doesn't have "fuck up" as a compound verb (i think that's the term?) but only as a noun. hope that helps!
sorry i went on for too long but tl;dr i didn't mean it like that, it sounds like xeredge might have meant it like that but i don't wanna say because i was misunderstood and don't want to potentially do the same. 😅