@Marchimarch Oh, I totally feel ya. The character development of Ohta Chadding up and the Ohhhtaaaa cries of the brother becoming more distinct and even mellow towards the end is amazing. You have 1 basically "expressionless charater", one for the myriad of phantom feels and the others keep the story steering steady with their mainly single-minded quirk. It's a nice game of billards with 2 main actors and a bunh of balls of with all sorts of stripes and colors.
In a sense it's minimalistic, yet a beautiful caleidoscope of emotions. Kinda like Komi-san, although that has it's up and downs with episodic gags.
In a sense it's minimalistic, yet a beautiful caleidoscope of emotions. Kinda like Komi-san, although that has it's up and downs with episodic gags.