am i weird for thinking that, if i were in her situation, i would've been completely okay with this? not in like a 'he's a murderer but he's hot so he gets a pass' way but more so 'if he's not going to kill me or my loved ones, and he's not an indiscriminate killer, then i honestly don't care' way. this probably says something about my morals but so far, he expressed his desire to kill but hasn't, and only kills for work. the only time he was going to kill a man for apparently no reason was bc the dude was being a creep to his wife. if he isn't going to kill me and treats me right, then i don't give a fuck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
okay now that i typed this out i sound real fucked up. yikes. maybe i'm just desensitized from all the manga/manhwa i've been consuming (and vaguely annoyed at MCs crying over people dying that deserved it)