This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - Ch. 35

Active member
Mar 12, 2019
Anyone notice how Bella is thinking "when will Byul recognize me?"? Byul was Rinrin's name in her last life, and in her dream she remembered seeing a red haired woman calling her at her death. Plus Del felt some sort of power from her so is she some kind of goddess in their world? Or is it that she's crazy powerful like Del but just in a different way? Not to mention it seems like her family members died suspiciously and she had a bad relationship with them, the intrigue around Bella grows.
Jan 29, 2020
Thank you for the update! We all like this series too! And will continue to look forward to new chapters and give our supports! So, I hope that we can peacefully continue to enjoy both groups translation (crossing my fingers!)

Gah! I want them both to kiss too! But he can’t kiss her because of the sedative that he smokes daily T.T sadness. They both are so cute together!
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2019
hmmm it's been bugging me for a while but... i kinda find ririn to be really biased towards kaleid, and actually kinda flippant in general? like i still can't get over how (it seems to me) easily she.... idk... ignored kaleid being a murderer, and one who seemed to relish doing it in fact. i get he's good looking, but that doesn't make him not scary u know??? also kaleid being so cas w/ bella when she is visibly trembling in his presence leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

kaleid's demeanor in general feels flat and hollow. i think more time should be spent on his back story and character dev because he doesn't even read like a believable person to me. he's clearly a well-trained and excellent duke/spy/etc but his childish behavior when ririn is involved comes across as silly and even ridiculous at times 🤔

i welcome anyone helping me understand kaleid's character more. we still need to know why the guy can nyoom in the air like a magic broomstick
Apr 20, 2019
Ahaha. The end note always makes me.laught. let's throw out of the Windows all our problem
Mar 26, 2019
@Aeriandra i was actually thinking why she is calling ririn byul. Thanks for reminding.
@sketchy333 i think the bias came from him treating her nicely. This is just my hypothesis but i think his demeanor is connected to that yellow stone and her seeing kalied with long hair and cutesy umbrella. Like they have connections waaay before.
Oct 16, 2018
This latest credit page really made me wonder what actually happened between "no qc" "die like bitch" and the one who actually released 1st chapter
Mar 30, 2019
Haha his face!
Will he run away or go for it?
Thank you for the chapter 💕
Active member
Mar 12, 2019
@sketchy333 I think I get what you're saying and it's true it'd be nice to get some more backstory on Kaleid but I think if you reflect on what we've already learned about him you can see why he seems to have a double personality. Like you said, he's skilled at what he does, and it seems for some time he's had to play his role of fierce fighter. That constant fighting and being involved in war can easily make someone cold and hardened. Moreover, Kaleid is a special case due to his condition. He is naturally hypersensitive which makes even everyday sounds and background noise extremely tortuous. All his coping methods only help temporarily and only seem to take the edge off. It's been indicated that part of why he likes to kill is that he finds it alleviating - eliminating a source of that noise, plus the adrenaline rush likely helps to dull his senses a bit. Not to mention when everyone treats him like a monster, a part of him probably decided to play the role. In fact it wouldn't be surprising if the emperor encouraged him to play up that role to make him an effective enforcer. In addition, we have yet to see anyone that he's close to that would help him balance out or correct him.

As for why he's so different to Rinrin it's likely because she counters much of the above. She has both a mental and physical effect on him. Her behavior is different (thanks to her personality + past life) which intrigues him and her presence sedates him. She's also doesn't treat him like everyone else, initially due to ignorance but also because she finds him charismatic. We also see she's the only one daring enough to tell him off. There's the cliche but true adage too that love changes people. Keep in mind that this "second personality" only shows up for Rinrin.

As for Rinrin's bias, a couple factors come into play. First, it helps that she initially got to know him without knowing his identity. This allowed her to develop a bit of an infatuation before getting hit with fear. And while we have seen her be afraid of his killer side, she hasn't seen that side often so even if she knows that's the reality, it might not feel so real to her personally. Plus she has a practical personality. In her mind this is only for a year, the marriage is made (and she can't find a way to wiggle out of it) so she may as well focus on making the best of the situation. Most of all, Del is sweet and kind to her far beyond her expectations so it's probably hard for her to reconcile killer Kaleid with the Del she knows. I think there's a part of her that is still scared, but the side she's scared of isn't at the forefront of her experiences with him.

Sorry that was a bit long but just my thoughts 😅
Active member
Jun 4, 2019

YES, DEL KISS!!! 😍😍😍
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
"Threaten to collab"?
You can't say the side opting to collab is the bad guy and the one refusing to be the good, right?

I mean, these guys may annoy other scanlators, but come on...if they're willing to negotiate a pact it should be enough to put aside differences, right?

Anyway, seems like she'll have to force a kiss on him or rape him to get anywhere cause he'll never initiate no matter how horny he is since he doesn't want to kill her. (But after it's done once and she remains fine, boy the turntables...?...?)
Active member
Sep 5, 2019
Problems? Meet window....bye. 🚪

I’m betting it’s a kiss on the hand, cheeks and forehead. Anywhere but on the lips,

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