This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - Ch. 36

Sep 29, 2019
i know people have already been theorizing it but i think this chapter really pushes the idea that rinrin really is the star fragment that del is looking for
Group Leader
Feb 9, 2020
Why do you guys keep translating this even though another group has already been working on it? Your staff seems skilled, but it's a waste of their time and effort to work on this when the other group is already doing it. It seems the other group also has the time and manpower to continue working on it since their version's sfx are also cleaned. I imagine it would be more efficient and appreciated by readers if you spent your time on a different series, increasing the amount of content that is produced rather than doing the same work twice.

Nonetheless, it's good work. There's just no point to do it though.
Jan 21, 2018
What the fuck is this chapter.

35 chapters of light fantasy, then BAM CREATION MYTH OUT OF NOWHERE and GLOWY DUDE WITH POWERS also her husband IS A DEMIGOD
Jan 12, 2020
I'm so confused right now. I was happy about the sweet scenes between Rinrin and Del and then BAM, that worldbuilding happened. Now I'm even more curious about why Bella calls her Byul.

@BrutalAnonhesty Actually this group started working on this series first and was doing a good job, when the other group suddenly swooped in and randomly started translating future chapters and generally trying to one up this group. It created quite a bit of drama, especially because the other group was quite passive agressive about the entire thing (just look at the group name, they created the group in direct response to this one). It seems like they've decided to both keep translating this series and quite a few readers, such as myself, appreciate that. So choose the version you prefer and simply block the other group.
Group Leader
Sep 23, 2019
@BrutalAnonhesty whose first 25 chapters did you read? yeah that's right, it was ours LOL they cut in from like ch25 when we were up to like ch12 so of course they were gonna be ahead of us. but we like this series and spent a long time trying to bridge this gap cos everyone was confused af. why would we give up doing something we enjoy and have been doing since the beginning?
also, idk if you've noticed but they don't clean all the narration (that shitty floating text is annoying af btw but kinda necessary to the story so we gotta clean it HAHA) and not necessarily all the sfx either, so i highly doubt it. they're only ahead because they released from ch25. and we started from 1. we're just doing what we wanna do for ourselves and our main priority isn't trying to appeal to the readers so i don't think theres no point as well?? lol But honestly, wouldn't mind dropping it if the other version just made a bit more sense HAHA, but it doesn't unfortunately.
Group Leader
Feb 9, 2020
@NoSoup Oh okay, thank you for the information! I couldn't tell because when I looked at the order of the ch.1 upload and the time that they were uploaded, it shows the other group uploaded them first. From there, I was wondering why this group would continue if they were second, but it seems that isn't actually the case.

@ix666 Well, I actually just started reading the series and since the other group's version was first in the list, it looked like you guys were the second group. I also started with their version and ended with their version, but didn't realize that chapters inbetween were yours and not theirs, and for that I apologize for my mistake. In my browser at least, it looks like they posted their chapters first and you guys came in afterwards so my confusion was based on that.

But I get what you mean now. I didn't understand the point of you guys re-translating the same content but I guess that question is actually for the other group since they came in afterwards. I'm not too keen on the details, but I guess it's more like I now don't see the point in the other group doing the work twice over.

I have to agree that the flow and read of your translations is more palatable (once again, good work and thank you for it. It seems I do prefer your work over theirs in retrospect), but that doesn't automatically make the other group's work unsatisfactory. There's no need to rudely bash them. Their work seemed good enough to make sense to me and many other readers (so it seems). But I guess that's just my opinion, and you seem rather hot-headed so I'm not sure how much you care for criticism.
Jan 12, 2020
@BrutalAnonhesty I think the chapters are displayed in alphabetical order and when the chapter names are the same (as is the case here), they are displayed in alphabetical order of the group names. This group's name starts with an 'N' and the other group's name starts with a 'D', hence why the other group's chapters get displayed first. Idk why Mangadex chose this method over a chronological order though, it's natural to assume it's the chronological order. Oh, and I'm not affiliated with either group, I'm just a reader who happened to witness this drama go down. Sorry for giving you the wrong impression. 😅

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