This Italian Girl Has Become Such a Freeloader - Ch. 40


Dex-chan lover
Oct 9, 2019
Wait, its done? Theres waaay too many fucking plotholes, wtf.

Well anyways, thanks for the TL. Quantity over quality indeed...
Group Leader
Apr 13, 2018
This series has been picked up by so many people but none of them does the extra page. Hmmm.
Feb 24, 2019
I don't want to be too harsh here but this was very disappointing. The the art kept getting a little worse every chapter after like chapter 8 or 9. I figured I can deal with it as long as the writing stayed ok (plus the art didn't become THAT bad) but it took an even bigger dip in quality than the art did. The drama with Kaya was out of nowhere and dragged out only for that to be wrapped up with no real conclusion. And when that was over you get this...drama? I don't even know what to call it, apperanlty yuji is hiding his profession not just because it's a bit emberassing to explain but because he also lost passion? And then apperantly Francesca came to Japan to help his art carrer. And he's mad about that? And I thought the BS with Kaya came out of nowhere, this was completely hamfisted and a ton of it felt super forced. Didn't help that the art got even lazier towards the end; some faces were straight up not drawn, not to mention the artist stopped colouring everything. It's really a shame cause I really enjoyed the first few chapters, they were cute and I liked the art. If these chapters weren't so short I probably wouldn't have continued, thankfully they are pretty quick to get through so I don't feel like I've wasted too much time here.

Of course those are criticisims for the artist and not the TL (the artist won't even be reading this lmao, just wanted to write my thoughts is all). Thanks to TL for all your work! While I ended up not enjoying the comic the translations are none the less still very much appreciated! 😀
Feb 4, 2021
Thats it? The last word of the comic is "Oh?". I get the ending, I get what was said, but I think it could of been done slightly better.

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