Damn bruh some nice edginess...
Still I completely agree with her especially on the part of wearing gloves but she didnt wear a mask, whoch seems contradictive. I myself have seen how dirty people are actually in the trains for example people with deadly illnesses like hepatitis or even simple flu and cold just go about infecting everyone. People cooking their own food without washing hans before during and after thus getting diarheas often or mold appearing in suposedly sterile containers of homemade jAm.People that dont even wash their hands after coming home. The moment it starts getting cold I wear a special tubular army scarf that covers only my mouth and breath through slowly so as to limit viruses and bacteria from closed spaces like trains or rooms with a lot of people. Since I started that I havent gotten sick only when parents came home with the flu and refused to wear masks or take antibiotics.As for touching things well I really try ro avoid that , especially if its not my pockets and places other people offen touch like handles , handshakes, cutlery etc , ie I ride the train without touching anything with my hands or even clothes, clothes I dont mind so much. I am always carrying some packets of antibacteriAl wipes.Everime I come home I wash my hands up to the elbow if not more ie in summer,then proceed to rinse and wash my nose and mouth to remove anything that got stuck microbes,viruses or simply trash.You would be surprised how much trash is in your nose after a day in the city.As to what pushed me to this, it was chronic illnesses like constant flegms from throat and nose ecery day, constantly getting sick because some retard decided to show up in class with 4o degrees of fever and other people freaking out more that I opened a window slightly to air the doom.Because most people are retarded and think that you will get if its cold outside. End of blog. pls noban.