This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@mahtan just because she has certain permissions dosent mean shes not oppressed. "Oh you want to be equal? Well here you can go hunting now shut up and let the men handle everything else" And on the subject of inheritance that's exactly why shes thinking of getting the laws changed. So they dont balanlty favour a Male heir. I dont understand what youd have her do? Social reform comes from people changing the status quo/laws, not rolling over and letting it happen Thats how all societies advance.

And shes not a child. Shes an adult so that analogy dosent work when males her age are getting more privileges then she is.

I dont think shes spolled either. If she wa she wokldnt be worried about her land and just give that burden up to someone else. Spoild people from my experience dont want responsibility and having to work. They want eveything handed to them and here shes doing the opposite
Aug 22, 2018
"If only I was born a man, I might be able to court Canaria" this is what you think (or will come to think soon), right Gracie?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 26, 2018
Yeah, becaue it is not like she isn't thinking like that because she is not getting something she wants, right?
Or that she is just thinking about that becuase other people keept saying she could be the heir if not for her situation.
Also even if she change the law, unless the changed law forces her family to chose her as heir, she is still not getting choose as heir becuase it is still not advantageous for the family.
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
Now I'm thinking that maybe Canaria will be asked by Cesar's aides to stop his reckless behaviour. We might see her in the frontlines soon.
Apr 23, 2018
Cesar dies, cause of death: His Wife's love letters. The queen couldn't be more pleased!

Perhaps the queen will allow her to persuade her son to enact some Woman's rights law.
Jun 21, 2018
Seriously, stop debating the troll on his sexist rhetoric. You're giving him the implication that what he's saying is meritable, instead of unreasoned soup. Just block him and move on.

On more important, chapter-related news: RIP, hero, your letter inspired death will not be in vain.
Jan 30, 2018
oh nooooo
What if he ends up dying bc he was rushing home bc he’s actually in love w mc
Oh my god
Please no please no please no please no please no

Mar 30, 2019
Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh no Oh noooooooooooooooooooo😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
Poor Caesar, right Canaria? It must suck to love someone who completely doesn't think about you like that. Yes...I bet it does.
The fact that her inner reader had her ship sink was funny though. I wonder if she's going to try to get him a better wife and deviate from the story now? I wonder where she's going to find someone like that?

Our pure prince is a sucker for love, isn't he? First Gracie, and now Canaria. It's...kinda concerning that she might be leading him towards a death flag, but this is definitely interesting drama.

Canaria: Did I just twist the original story?
Everyone else: ... "Just"?
Group Leader
Jul 12, 2018
lol casually twisting the plot direction of the original novel and thinks it's nbd. I love canaria xD
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2018
Her best chance is to getting married to her cousin, the princess' plot is naive at best.
I can't do anything since I am a woman -> why don't you go and change the law -> I can't do anything since I am a woman
300 IQ plan here...

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