This Villainess Wants a Divorce! - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

Fed-Kun's army
Oct 4, 2018
What was the joke? Was it the untranslated chapter? Is that what people got so mad about?
Apr 3, 2019
Exactly, actions have consequences and some people here don't realize it. Sometimes, criticism is needed to get the point across and nothing to do with ungratefulness. I'm not going to give blind gratitude and start patting LLS like alot of people in the comment section are doing. That's merely going to stroke their ego and history may end up repeating itself while commentors here will be in their echo chamber.
Apr 3, 2019
One-too many April Fools releases, TLer took matters into their own hands. Had at least the integrity to remove the temporary upload until a better scan with accurate TL came out, Vio/LLS sperged out over the snipe, negative consequences, should have expected this and releases for real, comment section proceeds to baby Vio/LLS, and here I am not going to be part of it.
Jan 19, 2018
hAHa iT'S jUsT a jOkE

they were going passive aggresive on someone that translate the chapter properly and when you prank what were you expecting people to react? some think it's funny some think it doesn't. I was kinda expecting some prank on 1st april but .. HOLYFCK
mangadex doing it but honestly it was a good one and peoples still can enjoy the content. 1st chapter of april joke wasn't really good (only one chapter saying april fool), 2nd one was raw like well... it was a funny one (because it's litterally on chapter title, i was have a good laugh), and 3rd one was really got me good too. But there's no chapter update until now drama happened on 3rd april? really?? thought they already have chapter when doing jokes on april 1st and when someone upload proper translate chapter then classic happened. Sudden outraged? i mean come on, it's not their fault for taking matter into their account.
@Soularc55 couln't agree more for all this dicksucking pricks, grateful form can be anything not only praising everytime new chapters out and blindly follow the TL
Mar 19, 2019
I always feel grateful to the people that volunteer their time to translate comics that bring me much joy. And I feel that as humans we are allowed to feel discontent when their is such a large backlash against something that is ment as a joke. I feel that it is regretfull that the translators were getting such hurtful comments. Yes it’s disappointing to relise the the 5 updates you were ecstatic for were jokes. But it wasn’t ment maliciously and its immature to lash out when the intent was not ment to be hurtful. There are more appropriate ways to express that perhaps the joke isn’t so fun.
Mar 19, 2019
Thank the translators for their hard work and dedication. I hope you relise that it brings a lot of joy to many peoples days. Such as mine, where as a poor overworked pre-med student, I take my pick me ups where I can get them. Your works are exactly that. If I can afford to take myself off top-ramen sometime soon, ill make sure to donate! 😍😊
May 26, 2018
...oh no this apology wasn’t warranted whatsoever. It makes the scanlators seem like employees who upset their customers. Get mad at the poorly made joke, but don’t get mad at the scanlators and demand them to release the chapter as a result. This left a bitter taste in my mouth.
Apr 3, 2019
For pete sake @Auyula, realize how blind you are to consequences. You shouldn't just be grateful for TLs if they end up being garbage, filled with edits, or even have a certain atrocious "My mom is sick, please donate" every single release that manages to ruin the entire tone of the manga while reading. If you decide to mess up or cross the line and not take releases seriously, don't expect others to not pick up the slack. Vio/LLS had to pay, don't make it seem entirely like it's ungratitude. This is why this comment section is filled with TLs-stroking ego chambers.
Dec 17, 2018
IDk why there was so much hate in the comments, like WTF is not like anyone here is paying money to read or losing time doing it ( even more because you can leave the site in a click), people who translate, clean, redraw and typeset deal with a lot of pressure to post fast or at least consistently, even more since they don't receive anything back from a work that is pretty hard and they are doing mostly for fun.

I am amazed that they had the time and will to make us feel more part of the april fool's day instead of just passing it like every other day. So why so serious? Didn't your parents teach you to not say something unless it is nice or at least sugarcoated? You might say that other groups can form and that they are replaceable, but to say the truth: is it worth wall this commotion over a troll chapter released on the troll's day? Months without new releases? The possibility that it might be dropped for good? Really?

Ok that they shouldn't have even answered hate comments, but come on! If you have so much time to complain about free stuff made by and for fun then go and help some other group or form your own over another serie and don't post april fool's day chapters.

Let's just not take everything too hard!
Double-page supporter
May 29, 2018
Thank you for the chapter... d'aaaaaw caesar u so cute trying to go home a year faster just because you want to wear the cape mc sew xD

Now responding to the AF joke... heh.. i didnt expect to get anything tbh, so i just skipped checking update on AF and wait till the next day or smth
Apr 3, 2019
There was someone who scanlated the real chapter @saenahonce, mind you a poor TL but at least he tried. He was even going to remove the chapter once a serious one came out. LLS/Vio spazzed out despite being at fault for not taking releases seriously. This comment section practically stroke egos and make it seem like LLS was not at fault. Consequences and responsibilities, something majority of the comment section do not understand.
Mar 19, 2019
I appreciate any effort someone puts in. Especially as so many comics out there are never translated. I don’t see anything wrong with asking for contributions, it is not a demand but an option. These are my own personal feelings, I will continue to support my favorite scanalation group. Bickering with you @Soularc55 I don’t beleive will unfortunatley achieve that. I don’t really understand the antagonism, as I think it’s resolved now. I apologize for any disaccord I may have caused. Simply wanted to express my love and support for my favorite scanlation group.🤗
Mar 19, 2019
Have a lovey day, I’m looking forward to future updates. ♡〜٩(^▿^)۶〜♡
Aggregator gang
Jul 19, 2018
@Soularc55 you are the troll for camping here and policing everyone. comment with your real acc instead of a newly created acc if you have some balls.
Apr 3, 2019
Oh so we should just sit back whenever a bad TL or badly edited schlock comes out? Just take it like an abused mutt @Luh_Mp4? Mind you, LLS was at fault for not taking things seriously, another scanlator came out who tried and was willing to remove the upload once a better and more serious release came out. LLS/Vio sperged out when they should have expected something like this. Now people like you are stroking their ego to make it seem like they're blameless leaders. Understand the consequences of your own actions and take responsibility. LLS and much of this comment section trying to support them are in the wrong. Sickening.
Dec 10, 2018
@Krowley yeah, the joke was the untranslated chapter, and people who were following their other series got hit with 6 false updates which made some people extremely salty. From what I understand, what exacerbated the situation was that the TLers didn't expect people to not appreciate the joke and apparently got really angry and inflammatory in some comments sections. So you had the general idiots on the internet getting overly butthurt over ultimately harmless things plus the idiots on the internet who get upset when no one appreciates their bad joke. Not a good combo.
Apr 3, 2019
Why don't you get off your high horse @ojoudere and realize the BS from your little entitled ego for TLers. They should understand actions have consequences. Also, I'm not a troll, don't assume I'm making some sort of duplicate account unless you have proof. So why don't you learn something and know your place?
Aug 24, 2018
As I said in the aprils fool chapter, it was an elaborated ruse, I enjoyed it a lot.
Thanks for the chapter!

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