This Was in the Wallet of My Childhood Friend - Oneshot

Feb 9, 2020

Sure, humans are illogical or rather irrational in lots of ways, but there is still a difference between writing a protagonist in a human way and writing them to behave like the usual incoherent pseudo humanized drama character tropes.

Here you have the latter. Specifically, the overprotective childhood friend who clings too much, because she is insecure and still childish herself. And the anxious childhood friend, who grew up to be really hot, but is still childish, yet tries to behave more like an adult. Sprinkle in some yuri tropes and wOw, WhAt A mAtUrE mAnGa

It is about as human or mature as any random daytime television soap drama, which have been recycling the same old crappy storylines amd characters for the last 40(?) years.
Apr 2, 2019
People are really trash at remember basic things like character names. "Tall girl", "short haired girl", "long haired girl".

People speed read like crazy, even oneshots.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2018
@ADende We don't grow up around such sounds, let alone such groupings of sounds, so our brains simply aren't configured to naturally remember them and assign them to faces, something not at all helped by the minimalistic depiction of faces in a typical manga like this. Not even after a decade of reading moon runes am I good at recognizing eastern names as much as I am at names like Jack or Jill despite not even coming from an English-speaking culture myself, because it's a language that is so much less alien to my own compared to anything out of Japan or China or Korea and I've been exposed to it since before I could speak. And that's basically how approximately half of the world feels.

It's a matter of simple exposure, barely even touching on linguistics, which I would have thought everyone understood on some level, rather than a matter of diligence, ironically making your post about looking down on people a reason for people to look down on you instead.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 29, 2019
oo this was interesting!! their relationship is still unhealthy, but i like that the mc at least acknowledged she was stroking her own ego and confidence in the relationship by infantilizing her best friend and hurting her by forcing the idea of independence. these themes are always wild but yyehaw

@Adende idk about u but I'm a visual learner and i remember shit by faces mostly. this also applies to books- i invest a heavy amount of time remembering the charas names even tho ill literally remember every other characteristic or behavior about them. props to u if u can do it but not everyone gets invested thru names esp in oneshots which typically revolve around story, not character development or character distinction. as long as ppl are enjoying it in their own way it doesn't rely matter zzz

@twinklecake go off baybee
Double-page supporter
Apr 23, 2020
@rangguguu Because it is. Hello I'm that person that said communication wouldn't work. She's been ignoring the fact they're grown up and aren't little kids anymore. If she had any iota of paying attention and not being overprotective then she would notice that she doesn't need protection anymore.

Even if she's been vauge and I agree I don't like it when people are vauge but at the same time she never made any attempt herself to think why her friend is acting against her desire to protect her. And is constantly telling her to stop treating her like a child.

Only after this whole trickery does she realize that she doesn't need her anymore.
Active member
Aug 24, 2020
if i were her i would have ignore just this girl i mean im just trying to protect you from those wild people and you wont listen to me it just literally look like youre inviting them also it hurts to be played with she cant even talk the whole matter and just show stupid actions of course the first question that would popped in my head would be "whats the point of our whole friendship over all these years when you cant even said what you want to me and just tricked me?" even the power of friendshi fairytail had is better than this
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
mfw i find a condor in tiddygirl's wallet
Jun 12, 2019
It's like you have someone you protect when on kindergarten till highschooler and then that person got stollen by someone who you didn't knows. It's hurt i know 😫😩

*Sorry for my bad english
Dex-chan lover
Aug 9, 2018
Short girl crying hurts my feels, that was too harsh for teasing. Honestly if something like that happens in real life, the relationship between them probably won't be the same after that. Tall girl just blew up their long years of friendship just to say i'm an adult now, saying sorry doesn't get rid of the fact that she was hurt deeply by those words.

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