Japans occasional shit tastes rears its head again. This was by far and beyond the most interesting manga to have gone through Jumps revolving doors in recent times.
Compared to something like Bakuman, I feel like this series missed the chance to really delve into the technical details of making and publishing manga, the creative process, and stuff about storytelling. Instead, it was a strange tale about how drawing should be fun and you shouldn't work yourself to death, except...
you should totally work absurdly hard, redraw the same chapters a dozen times because they aren't good enough, and then spend 30+ years in frozen time perfecting your craft so you can impress one girl... or whatever.
This got axed... I gave it a 10/10 and it was one of my fav manga so far.. so much potential wasted because of the fucking japs.. I’m somewhat new to manga so this was a wake up call on how cut throat the manga industry is. What a shame!