To Aru Kagaku no Railgun - Vol. 17 Ch. 130 - Recovery

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
"But you need to have a below room temperature IQ to actually like index so its not like their opinion is worth shit"

This gotta be the most obvious bait I have ever seen.

People hating on this arc, on Index, on Railgun, instead of being enlightened and acknowledging that both series have faults/flaws but both are still pretty good and liking both.

But I'm not sure why people didn't like this arc tbh.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 16, 2018
Saten finally has more than one person in the main group that knows her first name. This is a big step for her.
Misaka is not going to learn that she shouldn't ignore her friends wanting to help as usual while completely missing the irony that she forces herself into the situation with Touma.
Touma would have finished the robot arc from a while back extremely easily since beings without a soul can gain one through marriage. Why? Because he'd know to ask people around him that have relevant knowledge.
Kongou reappearing is always a treat.
I understand that Kamachi likes to shove random deus ex machina in there, but once it became obvious that Misaka's plot armour was kicking in, I lost a majority of my interest in the arc.
Mar 29, 2019
@Kampfarsch lol you have to have a IQ Less than room temperature that's why you can't handle Index Railgun just uses Index material for success, and your opinion doesn't matter when you don't know shit about the world of Toaru which Railgun will never answer and fake fans like you will never know
Dex-chan lover
Sep 26, 2018
Cool, another flame war from Index simps. Time to mute the comments again.

Overall arc felt like the weakest one in awhile. I have literally no interest in the Dragons or Touma, and the villains this arc were really uninspired. Usually they at least have good reasons for doing what they're doing, but she was just "I was traumatized so burn everything down!"

The parts that focused on Uiharu and Saten were really sweet though, and if nobody knows who those flashback characters are then maybe we're getting a "Misaka in 1st year" arc, which would be sweet and probably wouldn't piss off the Index fans for once either.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
@AJ007 Well yeah its a spin-off but this manga could easily stand on its own if index didn't exist.
You think index is some kind of complex masterpiece? Its the most bog standard generic shonen garbage out there.
Nothing particularly interesting about it and almost all of the characters are straight stereotypes. Misaka is fucking unbearable in index.
And id rather not know anything about index after the last season. yikes.
Active member
May 31, 2018
Good riddance to this divisive arc. This is easily the worst canon Railgun arc to date (nothing outdoes the Silent Party Arc after all).

The Jailbreaker Arc had good character moments for the 4 main girls, great action scenes and a bit of Kamijou fanservice; but quite literally everything else from the main villains, the arc structure, the utilization of the characters and the plot resolution were borderline atrocious.

Easily one of the worst arcs in all of the franchise. And it sucks because I've been taught to expect better from Railgun as all of its arcs have been solid up till now (still indifferent to Dream Ranker but it wasn't offensive).

@AJ007 @Kampfarsch @ilikepi31415 - Chill the fuck out guys. You're not a fake fan if you haven't read the light novels. On the other had, if you're judging Index solely based on its abysmal anime adaptation, your opinion is essentially worthless. People who hate this arc aren't Index simps.

Here's my ultimate problem with the arc's resolution: Uiharu said she broke down and reconstructed her AIM Diffusion Field to do what she did. That's complete bullshit due to one fundamental reason:

The main source of power for an esper is their Personal Reality; not their AIM Diffusion Field.

Fiddling around the with AIM Diffusion Field (something I find ridiculous to begin with) shouldn't do shit. THis is the worst kind of asspull that shouldn't be happening in the franchise's 17th year.
Mar 29, 2019
@Kampfarsch lol Railgun can't stand on it's own the only good arcs of Railgun are Index original, Level Upper, Dream Ranker are mediocre and Jailbreaker straight up sucks, wow you're saying Index is generic Shounen while watching Railgun which is a Spin off and does nothing major and yeah Index is waaayyy better than Railgun, if you can talk big than tell me
The phases, pure world, Spark's etc Index is not for idiots like you, calling it generic proves you're just retarded like seriously Imagine saying Index is generic when it's so complicated and even many LN readers are having a hard time
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
@OHandS @AJ007

Hear ye Hear ye
OHandS on Mangadex knows the stories mechanics better than the dude that wrote it
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 9, 2020
Isn't the AIM Diffusion Field just something that espers give off that changes depending on their ability? Change the ability to give off a different AIMDF sounds plausible but the opposite shouldn't work.
It would be similar to saying you can change a gas engine into a diesel one by tinkering with the heat it gives off, no?
If so, then I agree that's......bad writing.....had she said she forcefully changed her personal reality I can somewhat understand.....though even that is far fetched as I think it had more to do with unconscious than conscious thought.
Mar 29, 2019
@Kampfarsch ??? So you can't win with facts so you'll bring someone else wow and what does that person has anything to do with YOU knowing sh.t
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
@AJ007 I wasnt gonna comment on your retardation because leaving you alone baby raging and making a fool of yourself would be ten times funnier but hot damn even an idiot like you should realize that the second part was addressed at him and not you
Active member
May 31, 2018
@Kampfarsch 😑 So you got nothing? Not like I expected better. Cry harder.

@SingLove That's my thought as well. This is Espers 101 and the foundation for how their powers work:

Whenever the output of an esper power is modified, its always been in relation to their Personal Reality being affected. Takitsubou Rikou's AIM Stalker is the sole exception in that she can reverse the flow of the AIM fields to directly affect an esper's Personal Reality; but she's a unique esper who has the potential to completely upend all of Academy City once she reaches Level 5 (there is also Kihara Nayuta but again its all about flow).

What's happening here is completely different. Uiharu used the AIM Jammers (whose only function is to disrupt the concentration of espers to prevent them from making complex calculations) to:
[*]Materialize her AIM diffusion field.
[*]Break down and reconstruct said field to supposedly change her esper power
[*]And then do something with that new power to strip the dragon from Kimi
[*]Also the dragon supposedly didn't have anything to do with Uiharu's power

No way am I accepting that.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 30, 2018
@OHandS You are literally gatekeeping
I dont have to do anything best i can do it post it on the sub so even more people can laugh at you
Expected nothing else from a dude with an index profile pic

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