Rereading this when I'm older, I start to truly understand Misaka's mindset on why she chose to do certain things to stop the plan and as they keep failing and her actions are literally doing nothing, you can really feel how much she's slowly but surely falling into despair. It's even worse that she had multiple false senses of security that lulled her, "Oh maybe the experiments got halted" only for the truth to attack her full blunt as she falls even further down. Until we get to this moment where she's completely desperate for the ultimate last resort.. It's seriously why Sisters Arc really is the best arc to this day. I am always in love with the deep introspection and trials Misaka is put into as she gets fully immersed in the dark side of Academy City.
And I feel like it's like a smaller scale to the famous NT9 that everyone keeps praising about, where Touma pretty much follows a similar mindset to Misaka in a way. "Even if there was a world where everyone was happy, I don't have the right to be there!" I mean he even went through it actually...... "If one life were to save 10,000 lives, isn't that a wonderful thing?!" Did Misaka just predict NT9? And hilariously enough, it was an Imouto
(Will-chan~) who saved him from that despair. Very ironic

It's also why I love Misaka's part in NT10 since you can kind of tell she's able to relate to him to some extent on his actions, able to sympathize what he's going through since she's literally gone through that here. It's something that even Touma should be aware about.
But this arc alone is the reason why I still ship Misaka/Touma even though....... we have the whole mess the LN is putting through with Misaka now.. =_= Yeah no until Misaka gets the treatment she deserves, then I'll just keep following Railgun where they treat her as an actual character that goes through proper development instead of fodder and a stepping ladder...