@arcsalvo That's actually how all esper abilities work. The espers all just autohypnotize themselves into "perceiving" an outcome that is impossible, altering reality by manipulating quantum mechanics on a macro level, a concept the franchise refers to as a Personal Reality.
Problem is the power of an esper is determined by how well they understand what they're attempting to do. They're chemically tweaked into human supercomputers through the Power Curriculum Program, and taught every bit of theory related to their power. They have to calculate all the forces and interactions in their head; the more complete the calculations, the more convincing their mental image is, and hence the more powerful the ability.
However Gunha, being a Gemstone (a natural born esper, just like Himegami Aisa), gains no benefit from being such a human supercomputer. And because no one understands the mechanics behind his ability, there is no theory to teach him. He's lucky his ability is as strong as it is, because it cannot be further developed.