A quick read, but very cathartic. Hell, very nostalgic too since I used to fold a lot of paper airplanes as a kid...
You know what, I'll type down some of my own baggage here and toss it into the net like a digital paper airplane. Back in high school, a girl called me out for using the word "guy" to refer to another girl. The substitute teacher joined in to lambast me. I had no intent to refer to a woman as a man, that much should have been clear as day, nor did I think I mishandle any words, yet I could only meekly defend my claim that "guy" isn't exclusive to boys or men despite usually being masculine. It isn't that long before I hear the girl who originally lambasted me refer to her friends (who are all girls) as "dudes" when "dudette" exists. I'm still pissed about that whole affair, yet there's nothing else I can do about it now...