The plan was originally to upload this the next day after ch. 14 released, but I procrastinated just long enough for Mangadex to go down again. RIP. Anyways, my final note for the series: Yozora x Takuya is the absolute truth. I love them.
The index page of vol 2 mentioned a side story for Sougou Tovarisch (p185). Will you do it, and would you post it on Sougou Tovarisch's page on MD or here?
The side-stories for Sougou Tovarish from both vol. 1 and 2 have already been translated and uploaded to MD by Purin, the vol.1 side-story was "Ch. 16.1 - Side-Story 1: Kanna x Yuu" and the vol. 2 side-story was "Ch. 16.2 - Side-Story 2: Akatsuki x Rika".
Ooh, so this is where those came from.
Thank you for your hard work translating the rest of this series. Even though it was aborted midway, seeing it got translated in full brings me some closure, and soothes my OCD. Thank you.
This is the way, all the end-of-chapter shilling paid off! Bonus points if you come back and point out all my translation mistakes/shortcuts.
Thanks so much for translating the rest it was like a weight of the unknown was lifted off my chest when the last person dropped it and when i was reading the reboot come rain or shine LOL